New Europe College

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1. Loughlin, John
Regiunile si guvernul subnational: Experienta franceza/ John Loughlin; Traducere si note suplimentare de Daniela Ciubotariu; Prefata de Aurel Trandafir
Institutul European, 2009, Iasi , (carte) 269p., ISBN 978-973-611-550-9
Topics (ro): regiuni - guvern subnational - experienta franceza; centralizare si descentralizare - istoria Frantei; descentralizare franceza - 1982-2006; guvernare teritoriala - institutii - Franta
Topics (en): regions - subnational government - French experience; centralization and descentralization - history of France; French descentralization - 1982-2006; territorial government - institutions - France
Position: H.011b-LOU UDC: 32(44); 94(44)
Series: Colectia Studii europene; 17
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC