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1. Lomborg, Björn [Ed.]; Anderson, Kym; Behrman, Jere R.; Cline, William R.; Collier, Paul; Eichengreen, Barry; Martin, Philip; Mils, Anne; [...]
Global Crises, Global Solutions/ Edited by Björn Lomborg
Cambridge University Press, 2004, Cambridge, New York , (carte) xxii, 648p., ISBN 0-521-60614-4
Topics (ro): economie - criza globala - solutii globale; malnutritie si foame; guvernare si coruptie; mijloace de subzistenta si bariere comerciale; instabilitate financiara; acces la educatie; conflicte; boli transmisibile; schimbarea climei
Topics (en): economy - global crises - global solutions; malnutrition and hunger; governance and corruption; subsidies and trade barriers; financial instability; access to education; conflicts; communicable diseases; climate change
Position: Jc-LOM UDC: 330
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC