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1. *
Guide: A Publication of the Paulist Institute for Religious Research, No.177, April, 1963: Ecumenism and Conversion Work/ by Gregoy Baum; The Catholic Doctrine on Grace/ by P. De Letter
The Paulist Institute for Religious Research, 1963, New York, N.Y. , (carte) 20p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - ecumenism - conversiune religioasa; catolicism - soteriologie - gratie divina
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-426 UDC: 261.8

2. Borella, Jean
Le sens du surnaturel/ Jean Borella
Ad Solem, 1996, Genève , (carte) 254p., ISBN 2-940090-13-0
Topics (ro): credinta - ratiune; gratie divina - libertate; filosofie - teologie; natural - supranatural; crestinism ideologic - credinta obiectiva - credinta subiectiva; modernism - constiinta religioasa; sacralitate; Corpus Christi; Scriptura - profetie - sacrament
Topics (en): belief - reason; grace of God, the - liberty, freedom; philosophy - theology; natural - supernatural; ideological Christianism - objective faith / objective belief - subjective faith / subjective belief; modernism - religious counscience; sacrality; Corpu
Position: G.1r2a-BOR UDC: 234
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Brunner, Emil (1889-1966)
Natur und Gnade: Zum Gespräch mit Karl Barth/ von D. Emil Brunner D.D.
Verlag von J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1935, Tübingen , (carte) 60p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - protestantism - teologie; gratie divina; biserica evanghelica reformata; Barth, Karl (despre)
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Protestantism - theology; grace of God, the; Reformed Evangelical Church; Barth, Karl (about)
Position: EB-26 UDC: 283/284

4. Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici Roma
L'Herméneutique de la liberté religieuse/ aux soins de Enrico Castelli
Aubier éditions Montaigne, 1968, Paris , (carte) 608p.
Topics (ro): hermeneutica - libertate religioasa; religie - libertate - simbol; escatologie; credinta - libertate - gratie divina; toleranta; filosofie - libertate religioasa; filosofia religiei; proiectie religioasa - psihanaliza; colocviu - Roma - 1968
Topics (en): hermeneutics - religious liberty; religion - liberty, freedom - symbol; eschatology; belief - liberty - grace of God, the; tolerance; philosophy - religious liberty; philosophy of religion; religious projection - psycho-analysis; colloquium - Rome - 1968
Position: AS/G-4 UDC: 130.1

5. Dockx, S.I.
Fils de Dieu par grâce/ S.I. Dockx
Desclée de Brouwer, 1948, Paris , (carte) 151p.
Topics (ro): teologie - Dumnezeu - cunoastere - iubire; soteriologie - gratie divina
Topics (en): theology - God - cognition/ knowledge - love; soteriology - grace of God, the
Position: AS/G-311 UDC: 234.1

6. Guigues II Le Chartreux, sec. XII
Lettre sur la vie contemplative (L'échelle des moines). Douze méditations/ Guigues II Le Chartreux; Introduction et texte critique par Edmund Colledge et James Walsh; traduction par un Chartreux
Les Éditions du Cerf, 2001, Paris , (carte) 226 p., ISBN 2-204-06697-4, ISSN 0750-1978
Topics (ro): patristica - sec. XII - Guigues II Le Chartreux; scrieri monastice; gratie divina; ascetica si mistica; filosofie medievala crestina
Topics (en): patristics - 12th century, the - Guigues II Le Chartreux; monastic writings; grace of God, the; asceticism and mysticism; Christian medieval philosophy
Position: 0.14-SC-GUI(II) UDC: 276Guigues II Le Chartreux
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 163
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Guillet, Jacques
Thèmes bibliques: Études sur l'expression et le développement de la révélation/ Jacques Guillet
Aubier, 1951, Paris , (carte) 287p.
Topics (ro): Biblia - teme biblice - revelatie; Exod; Sfântul Duh; gratie divina - justitie - adevar; pacat; damnare; speranta; suflul lui Iehova - Cuvântul - Spiritul Sfânt
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-165 UDC: 22
Series: Théologie; 18

8. Lefebvre, Georges
L'unique source de vie/ Dom Georges Lefebvre, moine de Ligugé
Desclée de Brouwer, 1961, Paris , (carte) 188p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - misticism crestin; Ioan al Crucii, sf. - doctrina; Tereza, sf. - doctrina; rugaciune - iubire - umilinta - gratie divina; Dumnezeu - iubire
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Christian mysticism; John of the Cross, St. - doctrine; Therese, St. - doctrine; prayer - love - humbleness - grace of God, the; God - love
Position: AS/G-55 UDC: 248.2
Series: Collection Vie et Prière

9. Lefebvre, Georges
Aimer Dieu/ Dom Georges Lefebvre, moine de Ligugé
Desclée de Brouwer, 1960, Paris , (carte) 168p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - misticism crestin; credinta - gratie divina; iubire de Dumnezeu
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Christian mysticism; belief - grace of God, the; love for God
Position: AS/G-57 UDC: 248
Series: Collection Vie et Prière

10. Lot-Borodine, Myrrha
La déification de l'homme selon la doctrine des Pères grecs/ Myrrha Lot-Borodine; Préface par le Cardinal Jean Daniélou
Les éditions du Cerf, 1970, Paris , (carte) 291p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - patristica; filosofie crestina; patrologie greaca - teologie dogmatica - christologie; Biserica orientala; contemplatie - uniune - theosis; gratie divina - libertate; isihasm
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-541 UDC: 281.9:23
Series: Série Orthodoxe

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