New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 4 (total 4 t: a: ).

1. Chaillet, Jean
Études de grammaire et de style: tome second / Jean Chaillet
Bordas, 1969, Paris , (carte) 400p.
Topics (ro): limba franceza - gramatica - stilistica
Topics (en): French language - grammar - stylistics
Position: MT/C-108 UDC: 811.133.1'36-112
Series: Collection Études superieures; 63

2. Drasoveanu, D. D.; Zdrenghea, M.; Dumitrascu, P.
Analize gramaticale si stilistice/ D. D. Drasoveanu, M. Zdrenghea, P. Dumitrascu
Editura Stiintifica, 1966, Bucuresti , (carte) 232p.
Topics (ro): gramatica - stilistica; limba româna - sintaxa - morfologie - gramatica - stilistica - analize
Topics (en): grammar - stylistics; Romanian language - syntax - morphology - grammar - stylistics - analyses
Position: DS/I-90 UDC: 81'36

3. Nesfield, J. C. [ 1837?-1919]
Manual of English Grammar and Composition/by J.C. Nesfield
Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1948, London , (carte) VIII, 423p.
Topics (ro): limba engleza - gramatica - stilistica
Topics (en): English - grammar - stylistics
Position: MT/C-166 UDC: 811.111'36

4. Sofocle (497/6-406 i.e.n.) [ Sophocles]
Sophokles/ erklärt von F. W. Schneidewin und A. Nauck: Achtes Bändchen: Anhang/ zusammengestellt von Ewald Bruhn
Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1899, Berlin , (carte) 170p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate; tragedie greaca; mitologie greaca - tragedie - Sofocle; Sofocle - gramatica - stilistica - lexicografie
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity; Greek tragedy; Greek mythology - tragedy - Sophocles; Sophocles - grammar - stylistic - lexicography
Position: DS/U-62 UDC: 821.14-2Sofocle
Series: Sammlung Griechischer und Lateinischer Schriftsteller mit deutschen Anmerkungen/ hrsg. von M. Haupt