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1. Le Bon, Gustave [ 1841-1931]
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind/ by Gustave Le Bon
Norman S. Berg, Publisher, [1894], Dunwoody, Georgia , (carte)
Topics (ro): psihologia maselor - gloata; sociologie - mase; unitatea mentala a multimilor; gloate - sentimente - moralitate; gloate - opinii - credinte; lideri ai multimilor - mijloace de convingere; multimi electorale; adunari parlamentare
Topics (en): psychology of masses - crowd, the; sociology - masses; mental unity of crowds; crowds - sentiments - morality; crowds - opinions - beliefs; leaders of crowds - means of persuasion; electoral crowds; parliamentary - assemblies
Position: L.01-LEB UDC: 316:159.9

2. Le Bon, Gustave [ 1841-1931]
Psychologie des foules/ par Gustave Le Bon
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1920, Paris , (carte) ii, 187p.
Topics (ro): psihologia maselor - gloata; sociologie - mase; unitatea mentala a multimilor; gloate - sentimente - moralitate; gloate - opinii - credinte; lideri ai multimilor - mijloace de convingere; multimi electorale; adunari parlamentare
Topics (en): psychology of masses - crowd, the; sociology - masses; mental unity of crowds; crowds - sentiments - morality; crowds - opinions - beliefs; leaders of crowds - means of persuasion; electoral crowds; parliamentary - assemblies
Position: MT/A-3743 UDC: 159.9
Series: Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine