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1. Blondel, Maurice [ filosof francez, 1861-1949]
La pensée, Tome I: La genèse de la pensée et les paliers de son ascension spontanée/ par Maurice Blondel
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1934, Paris , (carte) xli, 421p.
Topics (ro): gindire organica; gindire psihica; despre gindire - geneza gindirii - spontaneitatea gindirii; filosofie moderna - Blondel, Maurice - Franta - sec.XIX-XX; subiect - obiect; dubla constiinta
Topics (en): organic thinking; psychological thinking; about thinking - thinking genesis - the spontaneity of thought; modern philosophy - Blondel, Maurice - France - 19th-20th c.; subject - object; double conscience
Position: MT/A-1251 UDC: 14*Blondel, Maurice
Series: Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine