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1. *
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought / Edited by Alister E. McGrath
Blackwell Publishers, 1997, Oxford , (carte) XIV, 700 p., ISBN 0-631-19896-2
Topics (ro): gindire crestina moderna - enciclopedie; teologi - biografii - enciclopedie; teologie - sec.XVIII-XX - enciclopedie; crestinism
Topics (en): modern Christian thinking - encyclopaedia; theologians - biographies - encyclopaedia; theology - 18th-20th centuries, the - encyclopaedia; Christianity / Christianism
Position: G.1r52d/e-McGRA* UDC: 22/2817/19(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Jung on Mythology / Selected and Introduced by Robert A. Segal
Princeton University Press, 1998, Princeton, N.J. , (carte) X, 278 p., ISBN 0-691-01736-0
Topics (ro): Jung, C.G.; mit; mitologie; psihiatrie - religie; Jung - interpretarea freudiana a mitului - psihanaliza; originea mitului - psihologia inconstientului; functia mitului - psihologie analitica; mitul ca mod de gindire
Topics (en): Jung, C. G.; myth; mythology; psychiatry - religion; Jung - Freudian interpretation of myth - psycho-analysis; origin of the myth - psychology of unconscious; the function of the myth - analitycal psychology; myth as way of thinking
Position: Da.2-JUNG-Seg UDC: 159.9:291*Jung,C.G.
Series: Encountering Jung; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Souffrance, plaisir et pensée: 1res Rencontres psychanalitiques d'Aix-en-Provence, 1982/ par J. Cain, C. David, M. Fain, J. Guillaumin, S. Mellor-Picaut, M. Olender
Les Belles Lettres, 1983, Paris , (carte) 254p., ISBN 2-251- 33416-5, ISSN 0245-88-29
Topics (ro): suferinta - placere - gindire; afecte - gindire
Topics (en): suffering - pleasure - thinking; affections - thinking
Position: Da.0-CAIN UDC: 159.9
Series: Confluents Psychanalytiques/ coll. dirigée par Alain de Mijolla
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
L'avènement des temps modernes / sous la direction de Jean-Claude Margolin; par J.-F. Bergier, J. Boisset, A. Chatelet, C. Verlinden, B. Vogler
Presses Universitaires de France, 1977, Paris , (carte) 772 p.
Topics (ro): istoria civilizatiei - epoca moderna - sec. XVI; istorie culturala - Europa - sec. XVI; istorie politica - gindire economica - Europa - sec. XVI; calvinism - biserica reformata - Franta; arta - manierism - sec. XVI; umanism - Renastere - Europa - sec. XVI
Topics (en): history of civilization - modern era - 16th century; cultural history - Europe - 16th century; political history - economic thinking - Europe - 16th century; Calvinism, religion - Reformed Church, the - France; fine arts - mannerism - 16th century, the; h
Position: H.15-MAR UDC: 930.18(4)"15"
Series: Peuples et civilisations: Histoire générale; VIII

5. *
Gemachte und gedachte Welten: Der Mensch und seine Ideen / Hrsg. von Wulf Schiefenhövel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer, Uwe Opolka
Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994, Stuttgart , (carte) 272 p., ISBN 3-89373-282-9
Topics (ro): stiinta - etologie umana - homo sapiens - gindire si cunoastere; etologie umana - omul si limba
Topics (en): science - human ethology - homo sapiens - thinking and cognition; human ethology - the human being and the language
Position: B.17b-SCH (1) UDC: 57.017.5/.6:81
Series: Der Mensch in seiner Welt; Bd. 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Enciclopedia Blackwell a gîndirii politice/ Coordonator David Miller; Consultanti: Janet Coleman, William Connoly, Alan Ryan; Introducere la editia româneasca de Alan Ryan; Traducere din engleza de Dragan Stoianovici
Humanitas, 2000, Bucuresti , (carte) 800 p., ISBN 973-28-0479-3
Topics (ro): stiinte politice - enciclopedie; politica - teorie politica - filosofie politica - enciclopedie; gindire politica - enciclopedie
Topics (en): political sciences - encyclopaedia; politics - political theory - political philosophy - encyclopaedia; political thinking - encyclopaedia
Position: J.0-MILL*; BFF_UBB_Cluj UDC: 32(031)=135.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

7. *
Demonizing the Other: Antisemitism, Racism, and Xenophobia / edited by Robert S. Wistrich
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999, Amsterdam , (carte) x, 374 p., ISBN 90-5702-497-7, ISSN 1023-6163
Topics (ro): antisemitism; rasism; xenofobia; minoritati - evrei; evrei si crestini - Evul Mediu; istorie - evrei; iudaism - gindirea moderna europeana; antisemitism - nazism; antisemitism - comunism; holocaust
Topics (en): antisemitism; racism; xenophobia; minorities - Jews, the; Jews and Christians - Middle Ages; history - Jews, the; Judaism - modern European thought; antisemitism - nazism; antisemitism - communism; Holocaust, the
Position: H.17411-WIS UDC: 323.1
Series: Studies in Antisemitism; vol. 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Krisis: Revista de filosofie (apare trimestrial)/ editata de Societatea Krisis pentru dialog si reflectie filosofica; red. sef: Lucian Popescu
Societatea Krisis, 1995-1999, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1224-0044
Topics (ro): filosofie; sfirsitul filosofiei; krisis - filosofie; identitate - filosofie; revolutie stiintifica - revolutie in gindire; filosofia stiintei; filosofie politica
Topics (en): philosophy; end of philosophy; krisis - philosophy; identity - philosophy; scientific revolution - thinking revolution; philosophy of science; political philosophy
Position: periodic; AS/P-134 - AS/P-134a UDC: 1(09)

9. *
Western Medical Thought from Antiquity to the Middle Ages / edited by Mirko D. Grmek; coordinated by Bernardino Fantini; translated by Antony Shugaar
Harvard, 1998, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) 478 p., ISBN 0-674-40335-X
Topics (ro): boala - concept; scolastica medicala; medicina medievala; medicina antica; medicina, gindirea medicala - din antichitate pina in Evul Mediu; strategii terapeutice - Evul Mediu; operatii medicale - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): illness - concept, the; medical scolastics; medieval medicine; ancient medicine; medicine, medical thinking - from antiquity till Middle Ages; therapeutic strategies - Middle Ages; medical operations - Middle Ages
Position: B.12/.14-GRM UDC: 610.'9"-/14"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
Présences grecques dans la pensée russe / sous la direction de Annick Charles-Saget
Université ParisX-Nanterre, 2000, Paris , (carte) 144 p., ISSN 1245-2998
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica in gindirea rusa; filosofie si patristica - Rusia; platonism - filosofia rusa; elenism - Rusia
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy in the Russian thinking; philosophy and patristics - Russia; Platonism - Russian philosophy; Hellenism - Russia
Position: AS/R-331 UDC: 1(47+57)
Series: Le Temps Philosophique: 7

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