The Great World Atlas / Editor managing: Lisa Thomas; Editor-in-chief: Andrew Heritage; Manging Cartographers: David Roberts, Simon Mumford; Managing art editor: Philip Lord; Editors: Debra Clapson, Wim Jenkins; Designers: David Douglas, Tony Cutting; Cartographers: James Anderson, Dale Buckton; Database editor: Julia Lynch; Systems co-ordinator: Philip Rowles
Planetary Visions Ltd, 1999, London-New York-Munich-Melbourne-Delhi
, (carte) 492 p., ISBN 0-7513-4638-1
Topics (ro): geografia populatiei globale - atlas; geografie universala - atlas - harti; meteorologie - atlas; sistemul solar - atlas; geografie economica - atlas; geografie politica - atlas; state si granite - atlas Topics (en): global population geography ( geography of the global population - atlas; world geography - atlas - maps; meteorology - atlas; Solar system - atlas; statistical geography - atlas; political geography - atlas; states and frontiers - atlas | | Position: H*-THO*
UDC: 91(084.4)
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