New Europe College

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1. Baumgarten, Alexander; Baluta, Ionela; Blebea Nicolae, Gabriela; Cioroianu, Adrian-Mihai; Corlan Ioan, Simona; Groza, Octavian; Horvath, Istvan; Manolescu, Anca; Radulescu, Raluca
New Europe College Yearbook 2000-2001: Disputation on the Unity of the Intellect and the Birth of the Parisian University Intellectual/ Alexander Baumgarten; Identité féminine et enjeux sociétaux: La seconde moitié du XIXe siècle roumain/ Ionela Baluta; De la casuistique à l'éthique appliquée/ Gabriela Blebea Nicolae; Art, propagande et politique. Le cas de Nicolae Ceausescu/ Adrian-Mihai Cioroianu; L'imaginaire dans les constructions identitaires. Le cas de l'Afrique moire/ Simona Coriolan Ioan; Les échelles spatiales de la territorialité roumaine: Essai géographique sur l'identification territoriale/ Ocatvian Groza; State, Minority and Identity Aspects Related to Romania's Hungarian Minority/ Istvan Horvath; L"Europe et la rencontre des religions selon Nikolai Berdiaev, Simone Weil et André Scrima/ Anca Monolescu; The Political Mentality of the English Gnetry at the End of the Fifteenth Century/ Raluca Radulescu; Editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai
New Europe College, 2003, Bucharest , (carte) 389p., ISBN 973-85697-8-8
Topics (ro): etica; intelectualitate universitara - Franta; feminism - România - sec.XIX; arta - propaganda politica - România - Ceausescu, Nicolae; imaginar - identitate - Africa; identitate teritoriala - Geografie - România; Colegiul Noua Europa - studii avansate
Topics (en): ethics; academic intellectuality - France; feminism - Romania - 19th century; fine arts - political propaganda - Romania - Ceausescu, Nicolae; imaginary - identity - Africa; territorial identity - geography - Romania; New Europe College - advanced studies
Position: anuar UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe Yearbook
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Chesnais, Diane
Discover Romania: interactive CD-ROM / text & legends: Diane Chesnais; photograph credits: Dan Ioan Dinescu, Mircea Savu, Stefan Petrescu; image processing: Roxana Enciu; film: Audio Video Entertainment srl; ...
NOI Media Print, s.a., Bucuresti , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 973-7959-04-3
Topics (ro): cultura si civilizatie - România; arhitectura - biserici si manastiri - România; istorie - România; traditii si obiceiuri - România; geografie - România
Topics (en): culture and civilization - Romania; architecture - churches and monasteries - Romania; history - Romania; traditions and customs - Romania; geography - Romania
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 008(498)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Ghinea, Dan
Enciclopedia geografica a României / Dan Ghinea
Enciclopedica, 2002, Bucuresti , (carte) 1456 p., ISBN 973-45-0396-0
Topics (ro): geografie - România - enciclopedie; localitati - România - enciclopedie; monumente istorice - România - enciclopedie; arhitectura - România - enciclopedie; munti - România - enciclopedie
Topics (en): geography - Romania - encyclopaedia; localities/ places - Romania - encyclopaedia; historical monuments - Romania - encyclopaedia; architecture - Romania - encyclopaedia; mountains - Romania - encyclopaedia
Position: V-GHI * UDC: 914.98(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Lecca, Octav George [ istoric, 1881-1969]
Dictionar istoric, arheologic si geografic al Romaniei / O. G. Lecca
Editura Universul S.A., 1937, Bucuresti , (dictionar) 630p.: h.
Topics (ro): istorie - Romania - dictionar; geografie - Romania - dictionar; arheologie - Romania - dictionar
Topics (en): history - Romania - dictionary; geography - Romania - dictionary; archeology - Romania - dictionary
Position: MT/B-1954 UDC: 949.8(038)

5. Rusan, Romulus
Cronologia si geografia represiunii comuniste in România. Recensamantul populatiei concentrationare: 1945-1989/ Romulus Rusan
Fundatia Academia Civica, 2007, Bucuresti , (carte) 112p., ISBN 978-973-8214-35-4
Topics (ro): istorie - cronologie - represiune - România - 1945-1989; comunism - represiune - geografie - Romania
Topics (en): history - cronology - repression - Romania - 1945-1989; communism - repression - geography - Romania
Position: Vh.62-RUS UDC: 94(498)"1945/1989"
Series: Colectia "Ora de istorie"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Rusan, Romulus
Chronologie et géographie de la répression communiste en Roumanie. La recensement de la population concentrationnaire: 1945-1989/ Romulus Rusan
Fundatia Academia Civica, 2007, Bucuresti , (carte) 138p., ISBN 978-973-8214-36-1
Topics (ro): istorie - cronologie - represiune - România - 1945-1989; comunism - represiune - geografie - Romania
Topics (en): history - cronology - repression - Romania - 1945-1989; communism - repression - geography - Romania
Position: Vh.62-RUS UDC: 94(498)"1945-1989"; 329.15(498)"1945-1989"
Series: La Collection "L'Heure d'Histoire"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Rusan, Romulus
The Chronology and the Geography of the Repression in Comunist Romania. Census of the Concentration Camp Population: 1945-1989
Fundatia Academia Civica, 2007, Bucuresti , (carte) 128p., ISBN 978-973-8214-37-8
Topics (ro): istorie - cronologie - represiune - România - 1945-1989; comunism - represiune - geografie - Romania
Topics (en): history - cronology - repression - Romania - 1945-1989; communism - repression - geography - Romania
Position: Vh.62-RUS UDC: 94(498)"1945/1989"; 929.15(498)"1945-1989"
Series: The Series "The Hour of History"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC