New Europe College

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1. Iacob, Bogdan C.; Preda, Caterina; Ristache, Laurentiu; Sferlea, Gheorghe Ovidiu; New Europe College [Ed.]
New Europe College Stefan Odobleja Program Yearbook 2014-2015: Southeast European Studies during the Cold War: Aspects of International Institutionalization (1960s-1970s)/ Bogdan C. Iacob; Art and Politics in Modern Dictatorships in the Southern Cone and Eastern Europe: A Preview of Theoretical Problems/ Caterina Preda; Aristophanes and Aristocracy. Political Gender and the Hermeneutics of Desire/ Laurentiu Ristache; Réception de la théorie du progress perpétuel au XIVe siècle byzantine: Grégoire Palamas et Calliste Angélicoudès/ Gheorghe Ovidiu Sferlea; Classical Liberalism in Romania: the Case of Emanuel Neuman/ Mihai-Vladimir Topan; Byzantine Imperial Excommunication or About the Boldness of a Patriarch. Case Study: Michael VIII Palaiologos/ Ionut-Alexandru Tudorie; Moral Distrust: Conflict and Mutualism in a Romanian Village/ Radu Gabriel Umbres; Appeal to Confucianism in Chinese Political Discourse: Hu Jintao's Human-centered Rhetoric/ Mugur Zlotea; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2015, Bucuresti , (anuar) 278p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): Razboiul Rece - UNESCO - Balcani - comunism - post-colonialism; arta si politica - dictaturi moderne - America de Sud - Europa de Est; gen politic - iubire politica - Eros - aristocratie; liberalism clasic - Emanuel Neuman - natura statului - limite ale p
Topics (en): Cold War - UNESCO - Balkans, the - communism - post-colonialism; art and politics - modern dictatorships - South America - Eastern Europe; political gender - political love - Eros - aristocracy; classical liberalism - Emanuel Neuman - nature of the state
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(045)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook