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1. *
Origins of Semiosis: Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture/ Edited by Winfried Nöth
Mouton de Gruyter, 1994, Berlin, New York , (carte) IX, 509p., ISBN 3-11-014196-5
Topics (ro): semn, evolutie - natura - cultura; semiotica; semioza
Topics (en): sign, evolution - nature - culture; semiotics; semiosis
Position: Fa-NÖTH UDC: 81'22
Series: Approaches to Semiotics; 116
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Le grand atlas de l'astronomie / sous la responsabilité scientifique de Jean Audouze et de Guy Israël
Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1996, Paris , (carte) 472 p., ISBN 2-85229-984-4
Topics (ro): astronomie - atlas; galaxii solare - atlas; cosmos - atlas; cosmologie - atlas; sistem solar - planete - meteoriti - asteroizi; galaxii - evolutie - tipuri
Topics (en): astronomy - atlas; sun galaxies ( solar galaxies) - atlas; cosmos ( well-ordered universe) - atlas; cosmology - atlas; solar system - planets - meteorites - asteroids; galaxies - evolution - types
Position: B.17a-ATL UDC: 52(084.4)
Series: Encyclopaedia Universalis
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Encyclopedia of Evolution, Volume 1/ Mark Pagel editor in chief
Oxford University Press, 2002, Oxford, New York , (carte) xxi, 556p., ISBN 0-19-514864-9
Topics (ro): filogeneza; evolutia speciilor; originea speciilor - evolutie; biologie - evolutie - enciclopedie; biogeografie; evolutia omului
Topics (en): phylogenesis; evolution of species; origin of species - evolution; biology - evolution - encyclopaedia; bio-geography; human evolution
Position: B.0-PAG (1)* UDC: 576
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Encyclopedia of Evolution, Volume 2/ Mark Pagel editor in chief
Oxford University Press, 2002, Oxford, New York , (carte) pp.557-1205, ISBN 0-19-514865-7
Topics (ro): filogeneza; evolutia speciilor; originea speciilor - evolutie; biologie - evolutie - enciclopedie; biogeografie; evolutia omului
Topics (en): phylogenesis; evolution of species; origin of species - evolution; biology - evolution - encyclopaedia; bio-geography; human evolution
Position: B.0-PAG (2)* UDC: 576
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Journal of Cognition and Culture/ Executive Editors: E. Thomas Lawson, Pascal Boyer; Book Review Editor: Justin L. Barret
Brill, 2006, Leiden-Boston , (periodic) 344p., ISSN 1567-7095
Topics (ro): cognitie si cultura; psihologie experimentala; cognitie sociala; evolutie umana; antropologie cognitiva
Topics (en): cognition and culture; experimental psychology; social cognition; human evolution; cognitive anthropology
Position: periodic UDC: 159.9

6. An, Cheung-O
Grammatik aus der Fremd- und Eigenperspektive: Eune Untersuchung zur Entwicklung und zum Aufschlußwert grammatischer Kategorien am Beispiel der koreanischen Grammatik und ihrer historischen Genese/ Cheung-O An
Peter Lang Verlag, 1996, Frankfurt am Main , (teza de doctora) 223p., ISBN 3-631-47095-9, ISSN 0721-3352
Topics (ro): lingvistica - gramatica - kategorii gramaticale - evolutie istorica - limba coreana
Topics (en): linguistics - grammar - grammatical categories - historical evolution - Korean language
Position: DS/T-533 UDC: 80(043)
Series: Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe XXI: Linguistik; Bd.137
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Anawak, Jack; Arnold, Bettina; Barrett, John C.; Binford, Lewis R.; Blake, Michael; Clark, John E.; Duke, Philip; Earle, Timothy K.; Flannery, Kent V.; Gero, Joan; Gilman, Antonio; Hastorf, Christine A.; [...]
Contemporary Archaeology in Theory / edited by Robert Preucel and Ian Hodder
Blackwell Publishers, 2001, Oxford - Malden, MA , (carte) xiv, 678 p., ISBN 0-631-19561-0
Topics (ro): arheologie - simboluri materiale; arheologie - economie politica - evolutie sociala si culturala; arheologie - metodologie - sec. XX; arheologie - directii de cercetare - sec. XX-XXI; arheologie - feminism - studii de gen; arheologie - identitati
Topics (en): archaeology - material symbols; archaeology - political economics - social and cultural evolution; archaeology - methodology - 20th century, the; archaeology - research guidelines - 20th-21st century; archaeology - feminism - gender studies; archaeology -
Position: H.10-HOD UDC: 930.1(082.2)
Series: Social Archaeology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Aurobindo, Shri (1872-1950)
Lettres, Volume II/ Shri Aurobindo; Traduction de Jean Herbert
Adyar, 1952, Paris , (carte) 489p.
Topics (ro): filosofie si religie indiana - Aurobindo - scrisori; yoga; religie si morala; constiinta superioara; viziuni si experienta; simboluri; puteri divine si ostile; guru; avataruri si evolutie
Topics (en): Indian philosophy and religion - Aurobindo - letters; yoga; religion and morality; Higher consciousness; Visions and experience; symbols; Divine and hostile powers; guru; Avatars and evolution
Position: MT/B-322 UDC: 14*Aurobindo:294
Series: Les Grands Maîtres Spirituels dans l'Inde contemporaine

9. Barry, Norman P.; Paul, Ellen Frankel; Ullmann-Margalit, Edna; Forsyth, Murray; Waldron, Jeremy; Gray, John; Lomasky, Loren; Griffin, James; [...]
Liberalism: Critical Concepts in Political Theory. Volume II: Rights, Property and Markets / Edited by G. W. Smith
Routledge, 2002, London - New York , (carte) xii, 434 p., ISBN 0-415-22359-8, ISSN 0-415-22357-1 (set)
Topics (ro): teorie politica - liberalism - drepturi - proprietate; liberalism neo-clasic - evolutie sociala - evolutionism; liberalism - drepturi - libertate; justitie liberala - proprietate - drepturi - individualism
Topics (en): political theory - liberalism - rights - private property; neo-classical liberalism - social evolution - evolutionism; liberalism - rights - liberty, freedom; liberal justice - private property - rights - individualism
Position: Ja.42-SMI (2) UDC: 329.12
Series: Routledge Critical Concepts in Political Theory
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Bateson, Gregory
Steps to an Ecology of Mind/ Gregory Bateson
Ballantine Books, 1976, New York , (carte) xxvi, 546p., ISBN 0-345-248371-250
Topics (ro): biologie - comportament uman; antropologie; tulburari nervoase - schizofrenie - scindare comportamentala; biologie - evolutie; epistemologie - ecologie; ecologia mintii - patologie
Topics (en): biology - human behaviour; anthropology; nervous disorders - schizophrenia -; biology - evolution; epistemology - ecology; the ecology of mind - pathology
Position: AS/T-12 UDC: 159.9
Series: Ballantine Nonfiction
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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