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1. *
Human ethology: Claims and limits of a new discipline: Contributions to the Colloquium sponsored by the Werner-Reimers-Stiftung/ Edited by M. von Cranach, K. Foppa, W. Lepenies and D. Ploog
Cambridge University Press; Editions de la Maison, 1979, Cambridge; Paris , (carte) XIX - 764p., ISBN 0-521-29591-2
Topics (ro): etologie umana; psihologie sociala; comportament social
Topics (en): human ethology; social psychology; social behaviour
Position: B.17b-CRA UDC: 575:30
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
German Essays on Science in the 20th Century / edited by Wolfgang Schirmacher
Continuum, 1996, New York , (carte) XVIII, 316 p., ISBN 0-8264-0747-1
Topics (ro): stiinta - fizica - Germania - istorie - sec. XX; stiinta vietii - biochimie - ecologie - etologie - Germania - istorie - sec. XX
Topics (en): science - physics - Germany - history - 20th c.; science of life - biochemy - ecology - ethology - Germany - history - 20th c.
Position: B.17-SCHIRM UDC: 167:577.1
Series: German library; 82
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Zwischen Natur und Kultur: Der Mensch in seinen Beziehungen / Wulf Schiefenhövel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer, Uwe Opolka (Hrsg.)
Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994, Stuttgart , (carte) 250 p., ISBN 3-89373-281-0
Topics (ro): stiinta - etologie umana - natura si cultura; etologie umana - femeia si barbatul - familie; etologie umana - parinti ci copii; etologie umana - etnologie - joc si umor
Topics (en): -
Position: B.17b-SCH (3) UDC: 57.017.5/.6:30
Series: Der Mensch in seiner Welt; Bd. 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Vom Affen zum Halbgott: Der Weg des Menschen aus der Natur / Hrsg. von Wulf Schiefenhövel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer, Uwe Opolka
Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994, Stuttgart , (carte) 270 p., ISBN 3-89373-280-2
Topics (ro): stiinta - etologie umana - evolutia omului - cultura
Topics (en): -
Position: B.17b-SCH (2) UDC: 57.017.5/.6:30
Series: Der Mensch in seiner Welt; Bd. 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Gemachte und gedachte Welten: Der Mensch und seine Ideen / Hrsg. von Wulf Schiefenhövel, Christian Vogel, Gerhard Vollmer, Uwe Opolka
Georg Thieme Verlag, 1994, Stuttgart , (carte) 272 p., ISBN 3-89373-282-9
Topics (ro): stiinta - etologie umana - homo sapiens - gindire si cunoastere; etologie umana - omul si limba
Topics (en): science - human ethology - homo sapiens - thinking and cognition; human ethology - the human being and the language
Position: B.17b-SCH (1) UDC: 57.017.5/.6:81
Series: Der Mensch in seiner Welt; Bd. 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Incorporations/ Edited by Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter
Zone, 1992, New York , (carte) 648p., ISBN 0-942299-29-9
Topics (ro): cultura si civilizatie - sec.XX; cinematografie - sec.XX; corpul uman; etologie umana; sisteme virtuale - masina - technicile corpului
Topics (en): culture and civilization - 20th century, the; cinematography - 20th century, the; human body; human ethology; virtual systems - machine - techniques of the body
Position: Sf-CRA UDC: 008"19"
Series: Zone; 6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Barnett, S. A. [1915-2003]
Instinct si inteligenta: Comportamentul animalelor si al omului/ S. A. Barnett; Traducerea de L. Botosaneanu
Editura Stiintifica, c.1970, Bucuresti , (carte) 318p. : ill
Topics (ro): etologie; instinct; inteligenta; comportament uman; comportamentul animalelor
Topics (en): ethology; instinct; intelligence; human behavior; animal behavior
Position: MT/A-3999 UDC: 5/6

8. Bechtel, William; Abrahamsen, Adele; Graham, George; Gentner, Dedre; Roitblat, Herbert L.; Van der Hejden, A.H.C.; Mundale, Jennifer; Nuckolls, Charles W.; Abrahamsen, Adele; Nersessisn, Nancy J.; Medin, Douglas; Waxman, Sandra R.; Flanagan, Owen; Yates,
A Companion to Cognitive Science/ Edited by William Bechtel and George Graham; Advisory editors: David A. Balota, Paul G. Chapin, Michael J. Friedlander, Janet L. Kolodner
Blackwell Publishing, 2002, Malden, Oxford,... , (carte) xvii, 791p., ISBN 0-631-21851-3
Topics (ro): stiinta cognitiva; cunoastere; antropologie cognitiva; constiinta; luarea deciziilor; emotii; teorie lingvistica; perceptie; memorie; ratiune; etologie cognitiva; reprezentare; educatie; etica
Topics (en): cognitive science; knowledge; cognitive anthropology; conscience; decision making; emotions; linguistic theory; perception; memory; reason; cognitive ethology; representation; education; ethics
Position: Ad.0-BEC UDC: 153
Series: Blackwell Companions to Philosophy; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Centre Royaumont pour une Science de l'Homme
L'unité de l'homme: Invariants biologiques et universaux culturels: essais et discussions/ présentés et commentés par Edgar Morin et Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini; avec la collaboration d'André Béjin, Irène Chapellaubeau, Constantin Jelinski
Editions du Seuil, 1974, Paris , (carte) 830p.
Topics (ro): om - maimuta - limbaj; biologie; sociologie; cibernetica - creierul uman; etologie umana; antropologie; bioantropologie; antroposociologie; stiinta omului - etica - societate
Topics (en): human being - ape - language; biology; sociology; cybernetics - human brain; human ethology; anthropology; bio-anthropology; anthropo-sociology; human sciences - ethics - society
Position: AS/T-5 UDC: 572

10. Deleuze, Gilles
Spinoza - Philosophie pratique/ Gilles Deleuze
Les éditions de Minuit, 1981, Paris , (carte) 180p., ISBN 2-7073-0326-7
Topics (ro): filosofie - Spinoza, Baruch - sec.XVII; filosofie practica; etica - etologie - ontologie pura
Topics (en): philosophy - Spinoza, Baruch - 17th century; practical philosophy; ethics - ethology - pure ontology
Position: AS/R-113 UDC: 14"16"Spinoza,Baruch
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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