New Europe College

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1. *
Ethnicity and Resource Competition in Plural Societies/ editor Leo A. Despres
Mouton Publishers, 1975, The Hague, Paris , (carte) XII, 221p., ISBN 90-279-7539-6
Topics (ro): etnicitate - antropologie - relatii interetnice; competitie - etnicitate
Topics (en): ethnicity - anthropology - inter-ethnic relations; competition - ethnicity
Position: H.174-DES UDC: 323.1
Series: World Anthropology
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Banks, Marcus
Ethnicity: Anthropological Constructions / Marcus Banks
Routledge, 1999, London and New York , (carte) viii, 210 p., ISBN 0-415-07801-6 (pbk_
Topics (ro): etnicitate - antropologie; tribalism - etnicitate; rasa; grupuri etnice; migratie; nationalism - etnicitate - identitate; rasism
Topics (en): ethnicity - anthropology; tribalism - ethnicity; race; ethnic groups; migration; nationalism - ethnicity - identity; racism
Position: H.174-BAN UDC: 323.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Harris, Olivia; Hubinger, Václav; Krupnik, Igor; Pasquinelli, Carla; Quinlan, Tim; Watson, C. W.
Grasping the Changing World: Anthropological concepts in the postmodern era / edited by Václav Hubinger
Routledge, 1996, London and New York , (carte) x, 130 p., ISBN 0-415-10202-2
Topics (ro): etnicitate - antropologie; etnografie - antropologie aplicata - Africa de Sud; cultura - modernism - postmodernism; antropologie sociala - filosofie - postmodernism; antropologie culturala - postmodernism
Topics (en): ethnicity - anthropology; ethnography - applied anthropology - South Africa; culture - modernism - postmodernism; social anthropology - philosophy - postmodernism; cultural anthropology - postmodernism
Position: P-HUB UDC: 008:572:30
Series: European Association of Social Anthropologists
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Herzfeld, Michael
Cultural Intimacy: Social Poetics in the Nation-State / Michael Herzfeld
Routledge, 1996, New York - London , (carte) xiv, 226 p., ISBN 0-415-91779-4 (pbk)
Topics (ro): stat national - antropologie; minoritati nationale - antropologie sociala; etnicitate - identitate de grup - rasa; identitate culturala - etnicitate - antropologie
Topics (en): national state - anthropology; national minorities - social anthropology; ethnicity - group identity - race; cultural identity - ethnicity - anthropology
Position: P-HER UDC: 320.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC