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1. *
Parabola: Myth and the Quest for Meaning. Volume III, no. 2: Sacrifice and Transfomation / publisher and editor: D. M. Dooling
--, , (carte) 140 p.
Topics (ro): dansul soarelui - semnificatie; sacrificiu si transformare - poeme - literatura sufita - Rumi; mit - mitologie - semnificatii; ethos - Japonia - spiritul kamikaze; budism (religie) - sacrificiu; ezoterism
Topics (en): sun dance - significance; sacrifice and transformation - poems - Sufi literature - Rumi; myth - mythology - significances; ethos - Japan - kamikaze spirit; Buddhism (religion) - sacrifice; esotericism, esoterism
Position: AS/E-126 UDC: 130.3

2. Epstein, A. L.
Ethos and Identity: Three Studies in Ethnicity/ A. L. Epstein; With a new introductory by Athena S. Leoussi
AldineTransaction, A Division of Transaction Publishers, 2006, New Brunswick and London , (carte) xxviii, 182p., ISBN 0-202-30843-X
Topics (ro): etnicitate; ethos si identitate; identitate etnica; etnicitate si identitate
Topics (en): ethnicity; ethos and identity; ethnic identity; ethnicity and identity
Position: H.174-EPS UDC: 323.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Geertz, Clifford
The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays / by Clifford Geertz
Basic Books, 2000, New York , (carte) x, 470 p., ISBN 0-465-09719-7
Topics (ro): antropologie culturala - Geertz, Clifford; sistem cultural - interpretare; etos - analiza simbolurilor sacre; religie - sistem cultural; ideologie - sistem cultural
Topics (en): cultural anthropology - Geertz, Clifford; cultural system - interpretation; ethos - analysis of the sacred symbols; religion - cultural system; ideology - cultural system
Position: P-GEE UDC: 572
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Geertz, Clifford
Interpretarea culturilor: eseuri alese/ Clifford Geertz; Traducere: Ciprian Siulea; Postfata: Stefan Guga
Tact, 2014, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 441p., ISBN 978-606-8437-30-9
Topics (ro): antropologie culturala - Geertz, Clifford; sistem cultural - interpretare; etos - analiza simbolurilor sacre; religie - sistem cultural; ideologie - sistem cultural
Topics (en): cultural anthropology - Geertz, Clifford; cultural system - interpretation; ethos - analysis of the sacred symbols; religion - cultural system; ideology - cultural system
Position: P-GEE UDC: 572; 821.111-4=135.1
Series: Pasaje
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Habermas, Jürgen; Settis, Salvatore; Stafford, Barbara; Münkler, Herfried
Ernst Cassirer und die Bibliothek Warburg/ Jürgen Habermas. Pathos und Ethos/ Salvatore Settis. Gewalt und Naturgeschichte/ Barbara Stafford. Nationale Mythen/ Herfried Münkler
Akademie Verlag, 1997, Berlin , (carte) 143p., ISBN 3-05-003043-7
Topics (ro): filosofie - Germania; natiune - mituri nationale; putere - istoria naturii; ethos - patos
Topics (en): -
Position: 0.0-W.VOR (1) UDC: 141(430)"19"Habermas
Series: Vorträge aus dem Warburg-Haus; Band 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Hartmann, Nicolai [ Nikolajs Hartmanis, 1882-1950]
Kleinere Schriften, Band I: Abhandlungen zur Systematischen Philosophie/ von Nicolai Hartmann; Vorwort: Frida Hartmann
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1955, Berlin , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Hartmann, Nicolai - inceputul sec.XX; ontologie - categorii; temporalitate; substantialitate; etica; personalitate - ethos; filosofie sistematica
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Hartmann, Nicolai - early 20th c.; ontology - categories; temporality; substantiality; ethics; personality - ethos; systematic Philosophy
Position: MT/A-1586 UDC: 14*Hartmann, Nicolai

7. Hirsch, Emanuel
Ethos und Evangelium / Emanuel Hirsch
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1966, Berlin , (carte) x, 446 p.
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Evanghelie - ethos - comentarii, exegeze, interpretari
Topics (en): Christian religion - Gospel, the - ethos - commentaries, exegesis, interpretations
Position: G.1r0b.1-HIR UDC: 226'.07

8. Kaplan, Robert D.
Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos/ Robert D. Kaplan
Vintage Books - A Division of Random House, 2003, New York , (carte) xi, 200p., ISBN 0-375-72627-6
Topics (ro): relatii internationale - aspecte psihologice - aspecte sociale; conducere - ethos pagân ; etica politica
Topics (en): international relations - psychological aspects - social aspects; leadership - pagan ethos; political ethics
Position: H.173-KAP UDC: 320.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Küng, Hans
Projekt Weltethos / Hans Küng
Piper, 1990, München - Zürich , (carte) 192 p., ISBN 3-492-03426-8
Topics (ro): etos - paradigma schimbarii - modern - postmodern; socialism de stat; comunism; capitalism; etica - democratie - politica; morala si religie; etica religioasa - crestinism - toleranta religioasa
Topics (en): ethos - changing paradigm - modern - postmodern; state socialism; communism; capitalism; ethics - democracy - politics; ethics and religion; religious ethics - Christianity / Christianism - religious tolerance
Position: EB-53 UDC: 32.02:22/28
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Magin, Michael N.
Ethos und Logos in der Medizin: Das anthropologische Verhältnis von Krankheitsbegriff und medizinischer Ethik/ Michael N. Magin
Verlag Karl Alber, 1981, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 350p., ISBN 3-495-47464-1
Topics (ro): etica - medicina; ethos - logos - medicina; boala - bolnav - medic - societate; boala - model sociologic; boala - model psihologic; antropologie - boala
Topics (en): ethics - medicine; ethos - logos - medicine; illness - patient, the - doctor, the - society; illness - sociologic pattern; illness - psychologic pattern; anthropology - illness
Position: Ab.05-MAG UDC: 17:61
Series: Symposion; 64
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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