New Europe College

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1. *
Hérésies et sociétés dans l'Europe pré-industrielle 11e-18e siècles: Communications et débats du Colloque de Royaumont/ présentés par Jacques Le Goff
Mouton & Co, MCMLXVIII [=1968], Paris - La Haye , (carte) 684p.
Topics (ro): Inchizitie - istorie - Evul Mediu; erezii - ev mediu - bibliografie; erezie - Europa - sec.XI-XIX
Topics (en): Inquisition - history - Middle Ages; heresy - Middle Ages - bibliography; heresy - Europe - 11th-19th centuries
Position: H.142-LEG UDC: 273
Series: Civilisations et Sociétés/ ; 10

2. *
Livre des deux principes/ Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index de Christine Thouzellier
Les Éditions du Cerf, 2008, Paris , (carte) 504p., ISBN 978-2-204-03615-3, ISSN 0750-1978
Topics (ro): erezii crestine - Franta - Languedoc - istorie - Evul Mediu, 600-1500 - surse
Topics (en): Christian heresies - France - Languedoc - history - Middle Ages, 600-1500 - sources
Position: 0.14-SC-LIV UDC: 276
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 198
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Arnold, John H.; Biller, Peter; Bird, Jessalynn; Bruschi, Caterina; Given, James B.; Hudson, Anne; Patschovsky, Alexander; Pegg, Mark Gregory
Texts and the Repression of Medieval Heresy / Edited by Caterina Bruschi and Peter Biller
York Medieval Press, 2003, Woodbridge Suffold - Rochester NY , (carte) xviii, 258 p., ISBN 1-903153-10-7, ISSN 1366-9656
Topics (ro): religie - erezii crestine - istorie - Evul Mediu, 600-1500 - congrese; crestinism - erezie medievala - surse, 600-1500; crestinism - erezie - inchizitie - Evul Mediu
Topics (en): religion - Christian heresies - history - Middle Ages, 600-1500 - congresses; Christianity / Christianism - medieval heresy - sources, 600-1500; Christianity / Christianism - heresy - Inquisition - Middle Ages
Position: G.1r52a-BRU UDC: 273.6
Series: York Studies in Medieval Theology; IV
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Badilita, Cristian
Pe viu despre Parintii Bisericii / Cristian Badilita
Humanitas, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 278 p., ISBN 973-50-0534-4
Topics (ro): religie - crestinism - patristica - Parintii Bisericii - comentarii; crestinism - patrologie; filologie si patristica; crestinism - erezii; filosofie crestina
Topics (en): religion - Christianity / Christianism - patristics - Fathers of the Church - commentaries; Christianity / Christianism - patrology; philology and patristics; Christianity / Christianism - heresy; Christian philosophy
Position: Vg.2-BAD UDC: 22.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

5. Beck, Hans-Georg
Vom Umgang mit Ketzern: Der Glaube der kleinen Leute und die Macht der Theologen / Hans-Georg Beck
Verlag C. H. Beck, 1993, München , (carte) 200 p., ISBN 3-406-37618-5
Topics (ro): religie crestina - teologi, istoria bisericii crestine - schisme, erezii
Topics (en): Christian religion - theologists, history of the Christian Church - schisms, heresies
Position: G.1r52a-BEC UDC: 273
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Brosch, Joseph
Das Wesen der Häresie/ von Joseph Brosch
Peter Hanstein Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1936, Bonn , (carte) 120p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - istoria doctrinelor crestine - erezii; esenta ereziei
Topics (en): Christianity - history of Christian doctrines - heresies; essence of heresy
Position: MT/B-1020 UDC: 28(09)
Series: Grenztragen zwischen Theologie und Philosophie; II

7. Chesterton, Gilbert Keith [ 1874-1936];
Hérétiques / G.K. Chesterton; traduit de l'anglais par Jenny S. Bradley
Gallimard, [1979], Paris , (carte) 309p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - ateism - erezii crestine; literatura engleza
Topics (en): Christianity - Atheism - Christian heresies; English literature
Position: MT/C-1086 UDC: 282; 821.111.2
Series: Idées; 407

8. Cohn, Norman
Les Fanatiques de l'Apocalypse: Courants millénaristes révolutionnaires du XIe au XVIe siècle avec une postface sur le XXe siècle/ Norman Cohn; Traduit de l'anglais par Simone Clémendat avec la collaboration de Michel Fuchs et Paul Rosenberg
Julliard, 1962, Paris , (carte) 342p.
Topics (ro): Cruciade; istoria religiilor - crestinism - milenarism - sec. XI-XVI; Antichrist; mesianism; erezii; egalitarism - teorie statala - patristica medievala; Apocalipsa; anarhism mistic
Topics (en): Crusades; history of religions - Christianity / Christianism - Millenarianism - 11th-16th c; Antichrist, the; Messianism; heresy; egalitarianism - theory of state - Medieval patristics; Apocalypse, the; mystical anarchism
Position: AS/H-82 UDC: 291:228
Series: Dossiers des Lettres Nouvelles

9. Cornelis, H.; Léonard, A.
La Gnose éternelle/ H. Cornélis et A. Léonard
Fayard, 1959, Paris , (carte) 126p.
Topics (ro): gnoza - gnosticism; crestinism - erezii; filosofie - gnosticism
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-159 UDC: 273.1
Series: Je sais - Je crois: Encyclopédie du catholique au XXème siécle; 14

10. Cristiani, Léon [ cu pseudonimul Nicolas Corte, prelat, istoric, teolog francez, 1879-1971]
Brève histoire des heresies/ Chanoine Cristiani
Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1956, Paris , (carte) 126, [2]p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - istoria ereziilor
Topics (en): Christianity - history of heresies
Position: MT/B-1048 UDC: 273.1
Series: Je sais - Je Crois: Encyclopédie du Catholique au XXème siècle; 136

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