New Europe College

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1. Academia Româna, Sectia de Stiinte Istorice si Arheologie; Andea, Avram; Andea, Susana; Balan, Constantin; Cernovodeanu, Paul; Edroiu, Nicolae; Magyari, Andrei; Maxim, Mihai; Muresan, Ovidiu; [...]
Istoria Românilor, Vol. V: O epoca de înnoiri în spirit european (1601-1711/1716) / Coordonator: Acad. Virgil Cândea; Secretar stiintific: Dr. Constantin Rezachevici; Autori: Avram Andea, Susana Andea, Constantin Balan, Paul Cernovodeanu, Nicolae Edroiu, Andrei Magyari, Ovidiu Muresan, Stefan Olteanu, Marius Porumb, Constantin Rezachevici, Tereza Sinigalia, Constantin Serban
Enciclopedica, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) liv, 1124 + 64 pl., ISBN 973-45-0427-4, ISSN 973-45-0381-2
Topics (ro): istorie - România - 1601-1716; istoriografie - izvoare diplomatice - România - sec. XVII; epoca fanariotilor - istorie politica - Tarile Române - sec. XVII; Imperiul Habsburgic - Transilvania - sec. XVII; arta si arhitectura - Tarile Române - sec. XVI
Topics (en): history - Romania - 1601-1716; historiography - diplomatic sources - Romania - 17th century; Phanariots' Epoch, the - political history - Romanian Countries, the - 17th century, the; Habsburgic Empire - Transylvania - 17th century; art and architecture -
Position: Vh.2-ACAD (5) UDC: 949.8"1601/1716"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC