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1. *
On Believing: Epistemological and Semiotic Approaches = De la croyance: Approches épistémologiques et sémiotiques/ Edited by = Textes présentés par Herman Parret
Walter de Gruyter, 1983, Berlin, New York , (carte) 360p., ISBN 3-11-008884-3
Topics (ro): credinta - scepticism; epistemologie - credinta; semiotica - credinta; stiinta - credinta; cunoastere - credinta
Topics (en): belief - scepticism ( skepticism); epistemology - belief; semiotics - belief; science - belief; knowledge - believing
Position: G.0-PARR UDC: 291:1:81'22
Series: Foundations of Communication: Library Edition
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Epistemology/ Edited by Stephen Everson
Cambridge University Press, 1990, Cambridge; New York , (carte) VIII, 288p., ISBN 0-521-34161-2
Topics (ro): cunoastere - teoria cunoasterii; epistemologie
Topics (en): knowledge - theory of knowledge, the; epistemology
Position: A.12-EVE UDC: 165
Series: Companions to Ancient Thought: 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
After Philosophy: End of Transformation?/ edited by Kenneth Baynes, James Bohman, and Thomas McCarthy
The MIT Press, 1996, Cambridge, Massachussets, and London, England , (carte) XI, 488p., ISBN 0-262-52113-X
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - sec.XX; pragmatism - filosofie; postmodernism; hermeneutica - filosofie practica; relativism - putere - filosofie; antropologie; epistemologie
Topics (en): modern philosophy - 20th century; pragmatism - philosophy; postmodernism; hermeneutics - practical philosophy; relativism - power - philosophy; anthropology; epistemology
Position: A.17-BAY UDC: 14"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Naturerkenntnis und Natursein/ für Gernot Böhme hrsg. von Michael Hauskeller, Christoph Rehmann-Sutter und Gregor Schiemann
Suhrkamp, 1998, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 406p., ISBN 3-518-28927-6
Topics (ro): natura - stiinta - tehnica; filosofie - cunoasterea naturii; natura - timp; natura - cunoastere; epistemologie; ecologie; estetica - atmosfera; ontologie; naturalism
Topics (en): nature - science - technique; philosophy - knowledge of nature; nature - time; nature - knowledge; epistemology; ecology; aesthetics - atmosphere; ontology; naturalism
Position: B.0-HAU UDC: 168.5
Series: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft; 1327
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Logos et Théorie des Catastrophes: à partir de l'oeuvre de René Thom: Actes du Colloque international de Cerisy de1982/ sous la direction de Jean Petitot
Patino, 1988, Genève , (carte) 515p., ISBN 2-88213-010-4
Topics (ro): fizica - filosofie - Grecia - antichitate; fizica; matematica; epistemologie; Thom, René; teoria catastrofelor - filosofie; ontologie; semiolingvistica; metapsihologie; biologie
Topics (en): physics - philosophy - Greece - antiquity; physics; mathematics; epistemology; Thom, René; theory of catastrophes - philosophy; ontology; semeiolinguistics; metapsychology; biology
Position: B.17.2-THOM-Pet UDC: 51Thom,R.
Series: Colloque de Cerisy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy CD-ROM / edited by Edward Craig; consultant editor Luciano Floridi
Routledge, 1998, London and New York , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 0-415-16916-X
Topics (ro): filosofie - enciclopedie; metafizica; epistemologie; stiinta; logica si matematica; filosofia limbajului; estetica; etica; filosofie politica; filosofia religiilor; filosofia dreptului
Topics (en): philosophy - encyclopaedia; metaphysics; epistemology; science; logic and mathematics; philosophy of language; aesthetics; ethics; political philosophy; philosophy of religions; philosophy of law
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 1(031)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Hermeneia - Revista de studii si cercetari hermeneutice / revista editata de Fundatia culturala "Axis", Iasi; Redactia: Andrei Stavila (redactor-sef); Alexandru Ceausu, Cristian Nae, [...]; editor coordonator: Petru Bejan
Fundatia Culturala "Axis", 2000, Iasi , (periodic) cca 130 p., ISSN 1453-9047
Topics (ro): hybris; interpretare text - hermeneutica; hermeneutica - studii; filosofie - hermeneutica - Nietzsche, Fr.; destin - hermeneutica; metafizica si nihilism - Kant; epistemologie
Topics (en): hybris; text interpretation - hermeneutics; hermeneutics - studies; philosophy - hermeneutics - Nietzsche, Fr.; destiny - hermeneutics; metaphysics and nihilism - Kant; epistemology
Position: Periodic UDC: 111

8. *
Ancestral Archives: Explorations in the History of Archaeology / edited for ANTIQUITY by Nathan Schlanger
Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, 2002, Paris , (periodic) cca 110 p.
Topics (ro): arheologie - antichitate; istoria arheologiei - studii - periodic; istoriografie; preistorie - epistemologie; preistorie - nationalism; Grecia antica - arheologie; discursuri nationaliste - cercetari arheologice
Topics (en): archaeology - antiquity; history of archaeology - studies - periodical publication; historiography; prehistory - epistemology; prehistory - nationalism; Ancient Greece - archaeology; nationalist speeches, discourses - archaeological researches
Position: periodic UDC: 902.1(045)

9. *
L'Unité de la Science: la Méthode et les méthodes: I. Le problème de la raison. II. L'unité de la science. III. L'unité de la méthode/ publiés par les soins de Raymond Bayer
Hermann et Cie, Éditeurs, 1937, Paris , (carte) 222p.
Topics (ro): filosofia stiintei; cartezianism - empirism logic; unitatea stiintei - cunoastere stiintifica; filosofia existentei; postulatul ratiunii; stiinta - metoda; logica - ratiune; epistemologie - sociologie; noetica generala; metodologie - unitate - diversitate
Topics (en): philosophy of science; Cartesianism - logical empirism; unity of science - scientific knowledge; philosophy of existence; postulate of reason; science - method; logic - reason; epistemology - sociology; general noetic; methodology - unity - diversity
Position: CP-123 UDC: 165
Series: Actualités Scientifiques et Industrielles; 533

10. *
Epistemology / Edited with introductions by Roy W. Perrett
Garland Publishing, Inc., 2000, New York - London , (carte) xviii, 374 p., ISBN 0-8153-3609-8, ISSN 0-8153-33670-1 (set)
Topics (ro): filosofie indiana - epistemologie - cunoastere; filosofie indiana - teoria cunoasterii
Topics (en): -
Position: A.11-PER (1) UDC: 165(540)
Series: Indian Philosophy: A Collection of Readings; 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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