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1. *
Rhetorik, Zwei Bände. Erster Band: Rhetorik als Texttheorie / herausgegeben von Josef Kopperschmidt
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1990, Darmstadt , (carte) viii, 508 p., ISBN 3-534-07518-8
Topics (ro): analiza de text - pragmatica; retorica - figuri de stil - elocventa; retorica - teoria textului - teorie literara; retorica - poezie; retorica si teodicee - sf. Augustin; retorica - Freud, Sigmund, psihanaliza; retorica - oratorie; retorica - pictura
Topics (en): text analysis - pragmatics; rhetoric - figures of speech - eloquence; rhetoric - text theory - literary theory; rhetoric - poetry; rhetoric and theodicy - Augustine, Saint, 354-450; rhetoric - Freud, Sigmund, psychoanalysis; rhetoric - oratory/ elocution;
Position: T.2-KOPP (1) UDC: 82.085
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Alain [ pseudonim al lui Émile-Auguste Chartier, filosof, ziarist, prof. de filosofie francez, 1868-1951]
Un sistem al artelor frumoase/ Alain; Traducere de Alexandru Baciu; Cuvint inainte de Ion Pascadi
Editura Meridiane, 1969, Bucuresti , (carte) 280p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Alain - Franta - sec.XX; sistemul artelor frumoase; imaginatia creatoare; dans; podoaba; poezie si elocventa; muzica; teatru; arhitectura; sculptura; pictura; desen; proza
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Alain - France - 20th c.; system of fine arts; creative imagination; dance; adornment; poetry and eloquence; music; theater; architecture; sculpture; picture; drawing; prose
Position: MT/A1042 UDC: 14*Alain:7.01

3. Alain [ pseudonim al lui Emile-Auguste Chartier, filosof, ziarist, prof. de filosofie francez, 1868-1951]
Système des beaux-arts/ Alain
Gallimard NRF, 1969, Paris , (carte) 374, [10]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Alain - Franta - sec.XX; sistemul artelor frumoase; imaginatia creatoare; dans; podoaba; poezie si elocventa; muzica; teatru; arhitectura; sculptura; pictura; desen; proza
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Alain - France - 20th c.; system of fine arts; creative imagination; dance; adornment; poetry and eloquence; music; theater; architecture; sculpture; picture; drawing; prose
Position: MT/A-1049 UDC: 14*Alain; 111.85; 7.01
Series: Collection Idées; 37

4. Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe (1651-1715)
De l'existence et des attributs de Dieu: Entretiens sur la religion, Discours sur divers sujets de métaphysique et de religion, Dialogues sur l'éloquence, Mémoire et lettre sur les occupations de l'Accadémie Française, Lettre à Louis XIV/ par Fénelon
Librairie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie, 1864, Paris , (carte) 572p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe, 1651-1715 - Franta; filosofie crestina - Fénelon; crestinism - existenta lui Dumnezeu - atributele divine; metafizica; elocventa
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Fénelon, François de Salignac de Lamothe, 1651-1715 - France; Christian philosophy - Fénelon; Christianity/ Christianism - the existence of God - divine attributes; metaphysics; eloquence
Position: MT/A-1454 UDC: 14*Fénelon, François

5. Petrarca, Francesco (1304-1374)
Invectives / Francesco Petrarca; Edited and translated by David Marsh
Harvard University Press, 2003, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) xx, 540 p., ISBN 0-674-01154-6
Topics (ro): literatura latina - retorica - elocventa - Petrarca, Francesco - Italia - Renastere - sec. XIV; literatura latina - Petrarca, Francesco - invective - idoli culturali din Evul Mediu - impotriva filosofiei scolastice
Topics (en): Latin literature - rhetoric - eloquence - Petrarca, Francesco - Italy - Renaissance - 14th century; Latin literature - Petrarca, Francesco - invectives - cultural idols of the Middle Ages - against scholastic philosophy
Position: 0.15-ITRL-PET UDC: 874.01
Series: The I Tatti Renaissance Library; 11
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC