New Europe College

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1. *
Economic anthropology: topics and theories / edited by Sutti Ortiz
Society for Economic Anthropology, 1983, Lamtham, London , (carte) XVI, 429p., ISBN 0-8191-3321-3
Topics (ro): antropologie - economie; antropologie economica marxista
Topics (en): anthropology - economy; Marxist economic anthropology
Position: VA/11 UDC: 572:33
Series: Monographs in Economic Anthropology; No. 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Prestations paysannes, dimes, rente foncière et mouvement de la production agricole à l'époque préindustrielle: Actes du Colloque préparatoire [...] au VIIe Congrès international d'Histoire économique [...]/ rassemblés et présentés par Joseph Go
Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences, 1982, Paris; La Haye; New York , (carte) 2 vol., IX, 800p., ISBN 2-7132-07-14
Topics (ro): civilizatie rurala - economie - istorie; agricultura - productie agricola - dari
Topics (en): rural civilization - economics - history; agriculture - agricultural output - taxes
Position: H.142-GOY (2) UDC: 930.85
Series: Cahiers des études rurales; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Encyclopedia of Political Economy: Volume 1: A-K/ edited by Philip Anthony O'Hara
Routledge, 1999, London and New York , (carte) XXXIV, 632p., ISBN 0-415-18717-6
Topics (ro): economie politica - enciclopedie
Topics (en): -
Position: Jc-OHA (1)* UDC: 33(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Encyclopedia of Political Economy: Volume 2: L-Z/ edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara
Routledge, 1999, London and New York , (carte) V, pp. 633-1302, ISBN 0-415-18718-4
Topics (ro): economie politica - enciclopedie
Topics (en): -
Position: Jc-OHA (2)* UDC: 33(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Entreprise Exit Process in Transition Economies: Downsizing, Workouts, and Liquidation/ Edited by Leszek Balcerowicz, Cheryl W. Gray and Iraj Hoshi
Central European University Press, 1997, Budapest , (carte) XII, 307p., ISBN 963-9116-16-5
Topics (ro): economie de tranzitie - procese economice; faliment - lichidare - crestere economica
Topics (en): -
Position: Jc-BALC UDC: 342.22
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Secolul 20, nr. 1-3/1997: Austria / editata de Uniunea Scriitorilor din Romania si Fundatia Culturala Secolul 21
Secolul 20, 1997, Bucuresti , (carte) 320 p., ISBN 43 804
Topics (ro): Austria - complexul germanitatii; identitate - Austria; literatura austriaca; Europa culturala - Austria; economie (scoala) - Austria; proza contemporana - Austria
Topics (en): Austria - the complex of Germanism; identity - Austria; Austrian literature; cultural Europe - Austria; economics ( school) - Austria; contemporary fiction - Austria
Position: H.1722-AUS UDC: 008(436)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Comparisons and Constrasts / edited by Richard Bessel
Cambridge University Press, 1998, Cambridge; New York , (carte) XIV, 242 p., ISBN 0-521-47711-5
Topics (ro): fascism - Italia - istorie; nazism - Germania - istorie; Germania - politica - guvernamint - 1933-1945; economie - Germania - 1918-1945; socialism national
Topics (en): fascism - Italy - history; nazism - Germany - history; Germany - politics - government - 1933-1945; economics - Germany - 1918-1945; national socialism
Position: H.1712-BES UDC: 321.64(430+450)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Getting and Spending: European and American consumer societies in the twentieth century/ Edited by Susan Strasser, Charles McGovern, and Matthias Judt
German Historical Institute; Cambridge University Press, 1998, Washington, D.C.; Cambridge; New York , (carte) XIV, 478 p., ISBN 0-521-62694-3
Topics (ro): economie - consum - SUA - sec.XX; economie - consum - Europa - sec.XX; cultura materiala - SUA - sec.XX; cultura materiala - Europa - sec.XX; economie de consum - SUA - istorie - sec. XX; demografie
Topics (en): economics - consumption - USA - 20th century, the; economics - consumption - Europe - 20th century, the; material culture - USA - 20th century, the; material culture - Europe - 20th century, the; consumption economy - USA - history - 20th century, the; de
Position: Jc-STR UDC: 330.567.2
Series: Publications of the German Historical Institute
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
Oxford Economic Papers
Oxford University Press, 1999/2000, Oxford , (periodic) cca 230 p., ISSN 0030-7653
Topics (ro): economie; comert; capital uman; macroeconomie; capital social; piata comerciala mondiala; politica monetara
Topics (en): economics; trade / commerce; human capital; macroeconomics; registered capital; world trade market; monetary policy
Position: Periodic; IPE UDC: 330(05)

10. *
Oxford Review of Economic Policy / edited by Christopher Allsopp and David Vines
Oxford University Press, 1999/2000, Oxford , (periodic) cca 160 p., ISSN 0266-03 X
Topics (ro): economie; politica macroeconomica; politica monetara - finante; modelare macroeconometrica - economie
Topics (en): -
Position: Periodic; IPE UDC: 330(05)

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