New Europe College

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1. Bailly, Auguste [ 1878-1967]
Les pensées de Sénèque/ Auguste Bailly
H. Piazza Éditeur, 1929, Paris , (carte) 163p.
Topics (ro): morala - literatura latina - antichitate; filosofie - literatura latina - antichitate - Seneca, Lucius Annaeusus; inteleptul - virtuosul - moartea - divinitatea
Topics (en): moral philosophy - Latin literature - Antiquity; philosophy - Latin literature - Antiquity - Seneca, Lucius Annaeus; the wise man - the virtuous - the death - the divinity
Position: MT/A-2821 UDC: 14*Seneca, L. A.; 821.124-6:17
Series: La Sagesse Antique

2. Gerlitz, Peter [ 1926-2013]
Gott hat viele Gesichter: Das Bild Gottes in den Religionen der Gegenwart/ Peter Gerlitz
Furche-Verlag, 1972, Hamburg , (carte) 168p., ISBN 3-7730-0065-0
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - religiile contemporane - imaginea lui Dumnezeu; Iehova; Isus; Allah; Dumnezeul din sufletul omului - panteismul mistic; Dumnezeul inexistent - nimicul - Nirvana; fiinta suprema si politeismul; divinitatea
Topics (en): history of religions - contemporary religions - images of God; Jehovah; Jesus; Allah; God in man's soul - mystical pantheism; God nonexistent - nothing - Nirvana; Supreme being and polytheism; divinity
Position: MT/B-87 UDC: 291
Series: Stundenbücher; 111
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Masao Abe
God, Emptiness, and the True Self/ Masao Abe
The Eastern Buddhist Society. Otani University Kita-ku, 1969, Kyoto , (extras) pp.15-30
Topics (ro): budism mahayana - sinele - divinitatea; gol - golire; filosofie indiana - religie indiana - budism
Topics (en): Mahayana Buddhism - Self, the - divinity, the; emptiness - emptying; Indian philosophy - Indian religion - Buddhism
Position: AS/D-84 UDC: 294.3
Series: The Eastern Buddhist (n.S.); Vol.II, No.2

4. Mehlis, Georg [filosof german neokantian, filosof al istoriei; 1878-1942]
Plotin/ von Georg Mehlis
Fr. Frommanns Verlag (H. Kurtz), 1924, Stuttgart , (carte) 148, [4]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie clasica - Plotin - Grecia - antichitate; literatura greaca - antichitate; lumea alexandrina; Plotin - viata si opera; filosofia politica; divinitatea; spiritul; sufletul lumii; teoria cunoasterii; mistica plotiniana
Topics (en): classical philosophy - Plotinus - Greece - antiquity; Greek literature - antiquity; alexandrinian world; Plotin - life and work; political philosophy; divinity; spirit; world soul; theory of knowledge; Plotinian mystic
Position: MT/A-2635 UDC: 14*Plotin
Series: Frommanns Klassiker der Philosophie

5. Platon [ Plato, 427-347 B.C.]
Textes choisis/ Platon; Textes choisis et presents par Pierre-José About
Bordas, 1967, Paris , (carte) 192p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Platon; fiinta si cunoastere; sufletul; organizarea sociala si virtutea; viata fericita - viata perfecta; divinitatea si binele; rugaciunea filosofului; filosoful si opusul sau
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Plato; being and knowledge; soul; social organization and virtue; happy life - perfect life; divinity and good; prayer of the philosopher; the philosopher and his opposite
Position: MT/A-2609 UDC: 14*Platon
Series: Sélection philosophique Bprdas