New Europe College

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1. Arjomand, Saïd Amir; Sabato, Hilda; Kumar, Anand; Pirotte, Gautier; Toulabor, Comi M.
Europe and the Other: Non-European Concepts of Civil Society / Hinnerk Bruhns, Dieter Gosewinkel (eds.)
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 2005, Paris - Berlin , (carte) 96 p.
Topics (ro): teorie politica - societate civila - concepte non-europene; societate civila - istorie; societate civila - putere - cultura - India; societate civila - Europa de est - tranzitie - România; societate civila - guvernare despotica orientala - Turcia - sec.
Topics (en): political theory - civil society - non-European concepts; civil society - history; civil society - power - culture - India; civil society - Eastern Europe - transition - Romania; civil society - oriental despotism government - Turkey - 18th century
Position: Ja.3-BRU UDC: 321
Series: CiSoNet Perspectives

2. Aron, Raymond (1905-1983)
Machiavel et les tyrannies modernes/ Raymond Aron; Texte établi, présenté et annoté par Rémy Freymond
Éditions de Fallois, 1995, Paris , (carte) 446p., ISBN 2-253-94206-5
Topics (ro): Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527) - tiranie; totalitarism; Weber, Max - politica puterii - sociologie; marxism - socialism - imperialism - propaganda; mesianism - tiranie
Topics (en): Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527) - tyranny/ despotism; totalitarianism; Weber, Max - politics of power - sociology; Marxism - socialism - imperialism - propaganda; Messianism - tyranny
Position: Ja.42.2-ARO UDC: 321
Series: Livre de poche; LP17
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Dispot, Laurent [n.1950]
La machine à terreur/ Laurent Dispot
Bernard Grasset, 1978, Paris , (carte) 306p., ISBN 2-246-00660-0
Topics (ro): politica - teroare - terorism - tiranie - dictatura
Topics (en): politics - teror - terrorism - tyrannie/ despotism - dictatorship
Position: VI/D-25 UDC: 32
Series: Figures
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Dittgen, Herbert
Politik zwischen Freiheit und Despotismus: Alexis de Tocqueville und Karl Marx/ Herbert Dittgen
Verlag Karl Alber, 1986, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 182p., ISBN 3-495-47594-X
Topics (ro): Marx, Karl; Tocqueville, Alexis de; politica - libertate - despotism; dialectica; democratie - libertate; filosofie practica
Topics (en): Marx, Karl; Tocqueville, Alexis de; politics - liberty, freedom - despotism; dialectics; democracy - liberty; practical philosophy
Position: J.01-DIT UDC: 32:1
Series: Alber-Broschur Rechts- und Sozialiwissenschaft
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Hermet, Guy
Poporul contra democratiei/ Guy Hermet; Traducere de Rodica Caragea; Studiu introductiv de Daniela Geonea Pârvulescu
Institutul European, 2006, Iasi , (carte) 311p., ISBN 973-586-123-2
Topics (ro): teoria democratica - poporul contra democratiei; autoritate - autoritarism; despotism; tiranie
Topics (en): democratic theory - people against democracy; authority - authoritarianism; despotism; tiranny
Position: Jb-HER UDC: 321.7
Series: Colectia Civitas; 7
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Keane, John [Ed.]; Bibbio, Norberto; Heller, Agnes; Kuzmics, Helmut; Elias, Norbert; Rosanvallon, Pierre; Wiesenthal, Helmut; Melucci, Alberto; Rupnik, Jacques; Havel, Václav
Civil Society and the State: New European Perspectives/ Edited by John Keane
University of Westminster Press, 1998, London , (carte) 426p., ISBN 1-85919-064-2
Topics (ro): societate civila - stat; despotism si democratie; state - Europa de Est - Europa de Vest - societate civila; violenta si civilizatie
Topics (en): civil society - state; despotism and democracy; states - Eastern Europe - Western Europe - civil society; violence and civilization
Position: J.03-KEA UDC: 316.3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Lamberti, Jean-Claude
Tocqueville et les deux démocraties / Jean-Claude Lamberti; Préface de François Bourricaud
Presses Universitaires de France, 1983, Paris , (carte) viii, 324 p., ISBN 2-13-037898-6
Topics (ro): stiinte politice - democratie - Tocqueville - societatea democratica americana; libertate si egalitate - monarhie; guvernare democratica - constitutia federala - America; individualism si democratie; revolutie; civism; libertate politica; despotism democr
Topics (en): political sciences - democracy - Tocqueville - American democratic society; liberty and equality - monarchy; democratic government - federal constitution - America; individualism and democracy; Revolution; public s[piritedness; political freedom; democrat
Position: Jb-TOC-Lam UDC: 321.7
Series: Sociologies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Menzel, Ulrich [Hg.]; Zürn, Michael; Calic, Marie-Janine; Ropers, Norbert; Müller, Harald; Brock, Lothar; Rittberger, Volker; Schneider, Heinrich; Preuß, Ulrich K.; [...]
Vom Ewigen Frieden und vom Wohlstand der Nationen: Dieter Senghaas zum 60. Geburtstag/ Herausgegeben von Ulrich Menzel
Suhrkamp, 2000, Frankfurt am Main , (carte) 640p., ISBN 3-518-12173-1
Topics (ro): stat si natiune - democratie - politica mondiala; democratie si pace - despotism si razboi; interventii umanitare - interese economice; globalizare - Uniunea Europeana - teoria kantiana a pacii
Topics (en): state and nation - democracy - world politics; democracy and peace - despotism and war; humanitarian interventions - economic interests; globalization - European Union - Kantian theory of peace
Position: J.17-MEN UDC: 321:37
Series: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch: Wissenschaft; 2173
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Meyer, Jean [ 1924- ]
Le Despotisme éclairé/ Jean Meyer
Presses universitaires de France, 1991, Paris , (carte) 127p., ISBN 2-13-043615-3
Topics (ro): istorie - Europa - stat - monarhie - sec.XVIII/XIX; despotism luminat
Topics (en): history - Europe - state - monarchy - 18th/19thc.; enlightened despotism
Position: MT/B-3234 UDC: 321(4)''17/18''
Series: Que sais-je?; 2586
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel Riqueti (1749-1791 ; comte de
Essai sur le despotisme/par Mirabeau
A. Bailleul, 1821, Paris , (carte) XXXIV, 323p.
Topics (ro): politica - stat - despotism; carte veche - carte rara
Topics (en): politics - state - despotism; ancient book - rare books
Position: MT/B-3311 UDC: 321.18

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