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1. Chaix-Ruy, Jules [ filosof francez, 1896-1986]
La pensée de Platon/ par Jules Chaix-Ruy
Bordas, 1966, Paris , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - Platon; filosofia platoniciana - gindirea platoniciana; teoria ideilor; demiurgul; cetatea ideala; asceza si dialectica
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Plato; Platonic philosophy - Platonic thinking; theory of ideas; demiurge; ideal state; asceticism and dialectics
Position: MT/A-2545 UDC: 14*Platon
Series: Pour connaître la pensée

2. Irénée de Lyon [ Irineu din Lyon, Sf. (cca 130-200)]
Contre les hérésies. Livre I / Irénée de Lyon; Édition critique par Adelin Rousseau et Louis Doutreleau; Tome II: Texte et traduction
Les Éditions du Cerf, 1979, Paris , (carte) 408 p., ISBN 2-204-01490-7
Topics (ro): studii religioase - contra ereziilor - Irineu din Lyon, Sf. (cca 130-200), episcop - exegeze gnostic; geneza demiurgului, universului,omului; unitatea bisericii crestine; sisteme eretice - Marc Magicianul; erezie - gnosticii; erezie - valentinienii
Topics (en): religious studies - against heresies - Irenaeus of Lyon, St. (ca. 130-200), Bishop - gnostic exegesis; origin of the demiurge, the univers, the man; unity ofthe Christian Church; heretical systems - Marcus the Magician; heresy - gnostics, the; heresy - Va
Position: 0.14-SC-IRE (1.2) UDC: 231.51+273
Series: Sources Chrétiennes; 264
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Irénée de Lyon [ Irineu din Lyon, Sf. (cca 130-200)]
Des Heiligen Irenäus fünf Bücher gegen die Häresien, Erster Band: Buch I-III/ übersetzt von E. Klebba
Verlag der Jos. Kösel'schen Buchhandlung, 1912, Kempten und München , (carte) 322p.
Topics (ro): contra ereziilor - Irineu din Lyon, Sf. (cca 130-200), episcop - exegeze gnostice; geneza demiurgului, universului, omului; unitatea bisericii crestine; sisteme eretice - Marc Magicianul; erezie - gnosticii; erezie - valentinienii
Topics (en): against heresies - Irenaeus of Lyon, St.,130-200, Bishop - gnostic exegesis; origin of the demiurge, the univers, the man; unity ofthe Christian Church; heretical systems - Marcus the Magician; heresy - gnostics; heresy - Valentinians
Position: MT/B-1174 UDC: 276 Irineu
Series: Bibliothek der Kirchenväter

4. Rousseau, Hervé
Le Dieu du Mal/ par Hervé Rousseau
Presses Universitaires de France, 1963, Paris , (carte) 132p.
Topics (ro): religie - religii dualiste - popoare primitive; Angra Mainyu; Ahriman; zurvanism; traditia iudeo-crestina - raul; gnosticism - demiurgul; printul tenebrelor - maniheism; bogomili; catari
Topics (en): Religion - dualistic religions - primitive peoples; Angra Mainyu; Ahriman; Zurvanism; The Jewish-Christian tradition of evil; Gnosticism - demiurg; prince of darkness - Manichaeism; Bogomils; Catars
Position: MT/B-73 UDC: 291
Series: Mythes et religions; 47