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1. *
The Multiple Self/ Edited by Jon Elster
Cambridge University Press, 1989, New York; Port Chester; Melbourne; Sydney , (carte) 269p., ISBN 0-521-34683-5
Topics (ro): filosofie - sinele; autodezamagire; filosofie - decizie
Topics (en): philosophy - the self; self-disappointment; philosophy - decision
Position: L.01-ELS UDC: 162
Series: Studies in Rationality and Social Change
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Baden, Hans Jürgen [ teolog evanghelic german, 1911-1986]
Das Tragische: Die Erkenntnisse der griechischen Tragödie/ Hans Jürgen Baden
Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1948, Berlin , (carte) 152p.
Topics (ro): estetica - tragicul - tragedia greaca; tragismul deciziei; elementele tragicului - vina - suferinta - hybrisul - puterea - erosul - moartea - omenescul; tragism si credinta; existenta tragica
Topics (en): aesthetics - tragic - Greek tragedy; tragic decision; tragic elements - guilt - suffering - Hybris - power - eros - death - humanity; tragedy and faith; tragic existence
Position: MT/A-3234 UDC: 118.85: 821.14-2

3. Bohman, Paul; Fay, Brian; Fuller, Steve; Nelson, Lunn Hankinson; Harding, Sandra; Humphreys, Paul; Kellner, Hans; Rawling, Piers; Roth, Paul A.; Stern, David G.; Turner, Stephen P. Uebel, Thomas; Udehn, Lars
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences / Edited by Stephen P. Turner and Paul A. Roth
Blackwell Publishing, 2003, Malden, MA - Oxford , (carte) viii, 382 p., ISBN 0-631-21538-7
Topics (ro): stiinte sociale - metodologie - alegere rationala; stiinta si tehnologie; stiinte sociale - filosofie; stiinte sociale - teorie critica - cunoastere practica; teoria deciziei
Topics (en): social sciences - methodology - rational choice; science and technology; social sciences - philosophy; social sciences - critical theory - practical knowledge; theory of decision
Position: L.0-TUR UDC: 300.1
Series: Blackwell Philosophy Guides
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Buchstein, Hubertus
Demokratie und Lotterie: das Los als politisches Entscheidungsinstrument von der Antike bis zur EU/ Hubertus Buchstein
Campus Verlag, 2009, Frankfurt am Main; New York , (carte) 496p., ISBN 978-3-593-38729-1
Topics (ro): democratie si loterie; politica si loterie; lozul - instrument politic de decizie
Topics (en): democracy and lottery, policy and lottery, jackpot - political tool for decision
Position: Jb-BUC UDC: 321
Series: Theorie und Gesellschaft; Band 70
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Vogler, Paul [Eds.]; Alsleben, K.; Buytendijk, F.J.J.; Friedrich, G.J.; Gorsen, P.; [...]
Neue Anthropologie, Band 4: Kulturanthropologie/ Herausgegeben von Hans-Georg Gadamer u. Paul Vogler; Beiträge von: K. Alsleben, H. Bianchi, F.J.J. Buytendijk, G.J. Friedrich, P. Gorsen, A. Greither, A. Heuss, K. Jettmar, K.E. Lögstrup, K.J. Narr, A. Nitschke, F. Wagner
Georg Thieme Verlag; Deutscher Tschenbuch Verlag, 1973, Stuttgart, München , (carte) viii, 514p., ISBN 3-13-476401-6
Topics (ro): antropologie culturala; etnologie si antropologie; jocul omenesc; comportament uman; decizie si planificare - perspectiva politica; drept - dreptate - sistem juridic; experienta estetica
Topics (en): cultural anthropologie; ethnology and anthropology; human playing; human behaviour; decision and planning - political perspective; law - justice - law system; aesthetic experience
Position: P-GAD (4) UDC: 30; 930.85
Series: Flexibles Taschenbuch Anthrop
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Jeffrey, Richard
Subjective Probability: The Real Thing / Richard Jeffrey
Cambridge University Press, 2004, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xvi, 124 p., ISBN 0-521-53668-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie - matematica - teoria probabilitatilor; logica - probabilitate - mod de a judeca - punct de vedere subiectiv; logica - disolutie - problema inductiei - teoria deciziei
Topics (en): philosophy - mathematics - probability theory; logic - probability - mode of judgment - subjective point of view; logic - dissolution - problem of induction - decision theory
Position: Aa.2-JEF UDC: 161
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Junjan, Veronica
Decizia in administratia publica / Veronica Junjan
Accent, 2001, Cluj-Napoca , (carte) 126 p., ISBN 973-99821-8-2
Topics (ro): administratie publica - luarea deciziilor; domeniul public - procese de luare a deciziei; decizie, elaborare - administratie publica; probleme - modele de analiza
Topics (en): public administration - decision making; public domain - decision making; decision, elaboration - public administration; problems - patterns of analysis
Position: Vj.8-JUN UDC: 35.076
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Kahneman, Daniel; Tversky, Amos [Eds.]; Prelec, Drazec; Fox, Craig R.; Kenetsch, Jack L.; Thaler, Richard H.; Rabin, Matthew; [...]
Choices, Values, and Frames/ Edited by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky
Cambridge University Press; Russell Sage Foundation, 2000, Cambridge, New York etc. , (carte) xx, 840p., ISBN 978-0-521-62749-8
Topics (ro): luarea deciziei - incertitudine - risc; valoare; teoria prospectarii; alegere rationala; alegerea consumatorului; iluzia banilor; alegere politica; multiplicitatea valorii
Topics (en): decision making - uncertainty - risk; value; prospect theory; rational choice; consumer choice; monet illusion; political choice; multiplicity of value
Position: Aa.0-KAH UDC: 159.9; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Kierkegaard, Soren (1813-1855)
Opere, volumul III: Discursuri edificatoare (1843-1844). Trei discursuri la ocazii imaginate/ Soren Kierkegaard; Traducere din daneza, introducere si note de Ana-Stanca Tabarasi
Humanitas, 2006, Bucuresti , (carte) 687p., ISBN 978-973-50-3280-7
Topics (ro): rugaciune; timp si eternitate - bine si rau; Sinele si Dumnezeu - teologie - filosofie - psihologie; filosofie - Kierkegaard, Soren - sec.XIX; iubire; rabdare; curaj; decizie; moarte
Topics (en): prayer; time and eternity - good and evil; Self and God - theology - philosophy - psychology; philosophy - Kierkegaard, Soren - 19th c.; love; patience; curage; decision; death
Position: A.2-KIE (3) UDC: 821.113.4-96=135.1; 14*Kierkegaard,S.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

10. Lübbe, Hermann
Theorie und Entscheidung: Studien zum Primat der praktischen Vernunft / Hermann Lübbe
Verlag Rombach, 1971, Freiburg , (carte) 187p., ISBN 0341-843X
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - libertate - decizie politica
Topics (en): political philosophy - liberty - political decision
Position: MT/A-158 UDC: 320.5
Series: Rombach-Hochschul-Paperback; 25
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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