New Europe College

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1. Bohr, Niels [ Niels Henrik David Bohr, fizician danez de origine iudaica, 1885-1962]
Fizica atomica si cunoasterea umana/ Niels Bohr; Cu un Cuvint inate de Radu Titeica; In româneste de M. Sabau si S. Apostolescu
Editura Stiintifica, 1969, Bucuresti , (carte) 134p.
Topics (ro): fizica atomica - cunoasterea umana; biologia si fizica atomica; fizica atomica - epistemologie
Topics (en): atomic physics - human knowledge; biology and atomic physics; atomic physics - epistemology
Position: MT/A-3998 UDC: 53:14

2. Bohr, Niels [ Niels Henrik David Bohr, fizician danez de origine iudaica, 1885-1962]
Physique atomique et connaissance humaine/ Niels Bohr; Traduction de l'anglais par Edmond Bauer et Roland Omnès revue par Catherine Chevalley; Édition établie par Catherine Chevalley
Gallimard, 1991, Paris , (carte) 642, [8]p., ISBN 2-07-032619-5
Topics (ro): fizica atomica - cunoasterea umana; biologia si fizica atomica; fizica atomica - epistemologie
Topics (en): atomic physics - human knowledge; biology and atomic physics; atomic physics - epistemology
Position: MT/A-4038 UDC: 53:14
Series: Folio. Essais; 157
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Gusdorf, Georges (1912-2000)
Les sciences humaines et la pensee occidentale, XII: Le savoir romantique de la nature/ Georges Gusdorf
Payot, 1985, Paris , (carte) 345p., ISBN 2-228-13800-2
Topics (ro): filosofia moderna - Romantismul - cunoasterea romantica a naturii; biologia romantica; filosofia naturii - stiinta totala romantica; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; forta vitala; legenda fiintelor; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Romanticism - romantic natural sciences; romantic biology; natural philosophy - total romantic science; Schelling; Goethe; Herder; vital force; Legend of the creatures; Michelet; Lotze; Wundt
Position: MT/A-925 UDC: 14"17/18"(09)
Series: Bibliothèque scientifique
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Jordan, Pascual [ fizician teoretician german, 1902-1980]
Der Naturwissenschaftler vor der religiösen Frage: Abbruch einer Mauer/ Pascual Jordan
Gerhard Stalling Verlag, 1965, Oldenburg; Hamburg , (carte) 363p.
Topics (ro): fizicianul si religia; religie si stiinta; fizica - sec. XX - perspectiva cosmica; teoria relativitatii; teorii despre univers; biologia cuantica; materie si contiinta
Topics (en): physicist and religion; religion and science; physics - 20th c. - cosmic perspective; theory of relativity; theories on the universe; quantum biology; matter and conscience
Position: MT/A-3984 UDC: 53:2

5. McKeon, Richard [Ed.]
Introduction to Aristote/ Edited, with a General Introduction and Introductions to the Particular Works by Richard McKeon
The Modern Library, 1947, New York , (carte) xxix, 667p.
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - Aristotel; etica; logica; fizica; psihologia; biologia; metafizica; politica; retorica si poetica
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Aristotle; ethics; logic; physics; psychology; biology; metaphysics; politics; rhetoric and poetics
Position: MT/A-1114 UDC: 14*Aristotel
Series: Modern Library College Editions

6. Ross, David William [Sir, filosof al moralei, 1877-1971]
Aristote/ W. D. Ross; traduit par Jean Samuel
Gordon & Breach, 1971, Paris; Londres; New York , (carte) x, 421, [8]p.
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - Aristotel; filosofia aristotelica; etica; politica; metafizica; biologia; filosofia naturii; logica; psihologia; retorica si poetica
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Aristotle; Aristotelian philosophy; ethics; politics; metaphysics; biology; natural philosophy; logic; psychology; rhetoric and poetics
Position: MT/A-1075 UDC: 14*Aristotel
Series: Publications Gramma. Collection La Chouette de Minerve

7. Siebeck, Herman [ filosof german, 1842-1920]
Aristoteles/ von Herman Siebeck
Fr. Frommanns Verlag (H. Kurtz), 1922, Stuttgart , (carte) 156, [4]p.
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - Aristotel; biografie - Aristotel; metafizica aristotelica; filosofia naturii; corp si suflet - biologia; etica si politica; teoria artei - estetica; metodologia
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Aristotle; biography - Aristotle; Aristotelian metaphysics; natural philosophy; body and soul - biology; ethics and politics; art theory - aesthetics; methodology
Position: MT/A-1073 UDC: 14*Aristotel
Series: Frommanns Klassiker der Philosophie; VIII

8. Siebeck, Herman [ filosof german, 1842-1920]
Aristoteles/ por hermann Siebeck; Traduccion del aleman por Luis Recasens Siches
Revista de Occidente, 1930, Madrid , (carte) 227, [7]p.
Topics (ro): filosofia greaca antica - Aristotel; biografie - Aristotel; metafizica aristotelica; filosofia naturii; corp si suflet - biologia; etica si politica; teoria artei - estetica; metodologia
Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - Aristotle; biography - Aristotle; Aristotelian metaphysics; natural philosophy; body and soul - biology; ethics and politics; art theory - aesthetics; methodology
Position: MT/A-1129 UDC: 14*Aristotel
Series: Los Filosofos; I

9. Thonnard, François-Joseph [1896-1974]
Précis de philosophie en harmonie avec les Sciences modernes/ F.-J. Thonnard, A. A.
Société de Saint Jean l'Évangéliste Desclée & Cie, 1950, Paris, Tournai, Rome , (carte) viii, 1791p.
Topics (ro): manual de filosofie; logica; filosofia naturala - ontologia - cosmologia - biologia filosofica - cunoasterea - psihologia - antropologia; metafizica - critica - ontologia - teodiceea; filosofia morala
Topics (en): handbook of philosophy; logic; natural philosophy - ontology - cosmology - philosophical biology - knowledge - psychology - anthropology; metaphysics - criticism - ontology - theodicy; moral philosophy
Position: MT/A-266 UDC: 14(022)

10. Wolpert, Lewis
Biology of Belief: Ernst Mayr Lecture 2001/ Lewis Wolpert; [Introduction: Rüdiger Wehner]
Akademie Verlag, 2006, Berlin , (extras) pp.89-120
Topics (ro): biologia credintei; cognitie - animale - copil; dezvoltarea copilului - credinta cauzala; oameni si unelte; teama si religie; paranormal; credinte false; credinta in stiinta
Topics (en): biology of belief; cognition - animals - child; child development - causal belief; humans and tools; fear and religion; paranormal; false beliefs; belief in science
Position: B.17b-WOL UDC: 57:159.9