The Dirt on Midea: Discover the land, culture, and artifacts from this Bronze Age Greek site [ CD-ROM ] / Project Advisors: Joe Bottoni, Stan Brod, John E. Hancock, Robert Probst, Patrick Schreiber, and Gisela Walberg
University of Cincinnati, 2001, Cincinnati
Topics (ro): arheologie - epoca bronzului - Midea, Grecia - CD-ROM; arhitectura - vestigii - Midea, Grecia - epoca bronzului - CD-ROM; fortificatii - epoca bronzului - Midea, Grecia - CD-ROM Topics (en): archaeology - the Age of Bronze - Midea, Greece - CD-ROM; architecture - vestiges - Midea, Greece - the Age of Bronze - CD-ROM; fortifications - the Bronze Age - Midea, Greece - CD-ROM | | Position: CD-ROM
UDC: 903:72"636/637"(38)
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