New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 10 (total 10 t: a: ).

1. *
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger: Ein Referateorgan für die Neuerscheinungen der Philosophie und ihrer gesamten Grenzgebiete/ herausgegebn von Prof. Dr. Ed. May und Dr. G. Schischkoff Schriftleitung Dr. G. Schischkoff
Bronnen-Verlag, 1951, Schlendorf am Kochelsee/ Obb. , (periodic)
Topics (ro): gazeta de filosofie - noi aparitii in istoria filosofiei - Germania
Topics (en): review of philosophy - new releases in the history of philosophy - Germany
Position: MT/A-4435 UDC: 1(07)

2. Bachofen, Johann Jakob [ anticar elvetian, jurist, filolog, antropolog, prof. de drept roman, 1815-1887]
Urreligion und antike Symbole: Systematisch angeordnete Auswahl aus seinen Werken in drei Bänden, Zweiter Band/ Johann Jakob Bachofen; herausgegeben von Carl Albrecht Bernoulli
Verlag von Philipp Reclam Jun., 1926, Leipzig , (carte) 523, [4]p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - simboluri antice - teogonie; eroi; aparitia familiei; aparitia dreptului; aparitia culturii
Topics (en): history of religions - ancient symbols - theology; heroes; emergence of the family; emergence of the law; emergence of culture
Position: MT/B-174 UDC: 291

3. Cotoi, Calin
Introducere in antropologia politica/ Calin Cotoi
Polirom, 2009, Iasi , (carte) 238p., ISBN 978-973-46-1560-5
Topics (ro): antropologie politica - aparitie - evolutie; economie morala - hegemonie culturala; globalizare si neoliberalism; guvernare
Topics (en): political anthropology - emmergence - evolution; moral economy - cultural hegemony; globalization - neoliberalism; governance
Position: B-COT (1) UDC: 32.01
Series: Collegium. Sociologie. Antropologie/ Coordonator: Lazar Vlasceanu si Liviu Chelcea
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Elsie, Robert
Early Albania: A Reader of Historical Texts, 11th - 17th Centuries/ Robert Elsie
Harrassowitz Verlag, 2003, Wiesbaden , (carte) ix, 233p., ISBN 3-447-04783-6, ISSN 0170-1533
Topics (ro): aparitia albanezilor - surse ortodoxe si bizantine - calatori si cronicari; istoria Albaniei - Albania veche - texte istorice - sec.XI-XVII
Topics (en): emergence of Albanians - orthodox and Byzantine sources - travellers and chroniclers; history of Albania - early Albania - historical texts - 11th-17th c.
Position: H.131/.16-ELS UDC: 94(496.5)"10/16"
Series: Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen; Band 39
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Erdbeer, Robert Matthias; Haman, Brian; Kyriakidis, Savvas, Trachsel, Alexandra; Tsonkova, Svetlana; Zarrow, Sarah, Ellen
New Europe College Yearbook: 2016-2017: Das Spiel der Emergenz. Aspekte ludischer Fiktion und Narration/ Robert Matthias Erdbeer; Nicht vergangenes, was das Herz noch reut: Exile, Memory, and the Search for Home in Herold Belger's Writings/ Brian Haman; The Mercenary Identity in Byzantium: the Case of Western European Mercenaries/ Savvas Kyriakidis; Being a Severan Author: Claudius Aelianus and Authorial Self-representation in Miscellaneous Compilations/ Alexandra Trachsel; In our World: Human Agency in Medieval and Early Modern Bulgarian Verbal Magic/ Svetlana Tsonkova; Moving Images, Static Lives: Interwar Polish Jewish Documentary Films/ Sarah Ellen Zarrow; [ editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
New Europe College, 2023, Bucuresti , (anuar) 191p.: portr, ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): apariție - ficțiune ludică - control comun - gestionarea modalităților; literatura ruso-germana - Herold Berger - exil - hibriditate - memorie - Kazakhstan; Bizant - mercenari - armata; Imperiul Roman - Pliniu cel Batran - Aulus Gellius - Clement din
Topics (en): emergence - ludic fiction - shared control - modality management; Russian - German literature - Herold Berger - exile - hybridity - memory - Kazakhstan; Byzantium - mercenaries - army; Roman Empire, the - Pliny the Elder - Aulus Gellius - Clement of Alexa
Position: anuar UDC: 009(045)

6. Funk, S.
Die Entstehung des Talmuds/ Von S. Funk
G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1910, Leipzig , (carte) 127p.
Topics (ro): religie - iudaism - Talmud; aparitia Talmudului
Topics (en): religion - Judaism - Talmud; Talmud emergence
Position: MT/B-680 UDC: 296
Series: Sammlung Göschen

7. Görres, Joseph [ Johann Joseph von Görres, scriitor, filosof, istoric, teolog german, 1776-1848]
La Mystique Divine naturelle et diabolique, Tome II: Première Partie: La Mystique Divine/ par Görres; ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par M. Charles Sainte-Foi
Librairie de Mme Ve Pussielgue-Rusand, 1862, Paris , (carte) 414p.
Topics (ro): mistica divina; mistica naturala - mistica religioasa; teologia mistica; sfintii si misticismul; extaz mistic; aparitia stigmatelor; zborul in extaz; actiunea la distanta
Topics (en): divine mysticism; natural mysticism - religious mysticism; mystical theology; saints and mysticism; mystical ecstasy; occurrence of stigmata; ecstatic flight; remote action
Position: MT/A-3310 UDC: 133: 23

8. Héritier, Adrienne; Rhodes, Martin [Eds.]; Bartolini, Stefano; Diedrichs, Udo; Reiners, Wulf; Wessels, Wolfgang; Lehmkuhl, Dirk; Börzel, Tanja A.; Visser, Jelle
New Modes of Governance in Europe: Governing in the Shadow of Hierarchy/ Edited by Adrienne Héritier, Martin Rhodes
Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York , (carte) xix, 192p., ISBN 978-0-230-24340-8
Topics (ro): administratie publica - tarile Uniunii Europene; guvernare europeana - aparitie - executie - evolutie - evaluare; tarile Uniunii Europene - politica si guvernare - sec.XXI
Topics (en): public administration - European Union countries; European governance - emmergence - execution - evolution - evaluation; European Union countries - politics and government - 21st c.
Position: H.1724-HER UDC: 351(4)
Series: Palgrave Studies in european Union Politics
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Rizescu, Oana
Avant l'État-juge: Pratique juridique et construction politique en Valachie au XVIIe siècle/ Oana Rizescu
Editura Notarom, 2008, Bucuresti , (carte) 548p., ISBN 978-973-8921-33-7
Topics (ro): istorie - aparitia statului - practica juridica - constructie politica - Valahia - România - sec.XVII; reglementari juridice - contracte - garantii personale; administratie - justitie - stat - Valahia - România - sec. XVII
Topics (en): history - emergence of state - juridical practice - political construction - Wallachia - Romania - 17th c.; juridical regulations - contracts - personal guarantees; administration - justice - state - Wallachia - Romania - 17th c.
Position: Vk-RIZ UDC: 34(498)"16"(094)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Toynbee, Arnold J. [ Arnold Joseph Toynbee, 1889-1975]
La religion vue par un historien/ par Arnold J. Toynbee; traduit de l'anglais par Marcelle Weill
Éditions Gallimard NRF, 1964, Paris , (carte) 316p.
Topics (ro): religie si istorie; religiile superioare - aparitie; religia in Occident
Topics (en): religion and history; higher religions - emergence; religion in the West
Position: MT/B-58 UDC: 2:94
Series: Bibliothèque des Idées