New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. *
Eastern Churches Review: A Journal of Eastern Christendom/ Editor: E.J.B. Fry; Associate Editor: Donald Attwater
E.C.R. Foundation, 1966, London , (carte)
Topics (ro): crestinism - Biserici Orientale; ortodoxie; schisma; ecumenism; anatema
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - Oriental churches; Orthodoxy; schism, the; ecumenism; anathema
Position: AS/P-300 UDC: 281.9

2. Garaudy, Roger [ filosof francez, 1913-2012]
De l'anathème au dialogue: Un marxiste s'adresse au Concile/ Roger Garaudy
Plon, 1965, Paris , (carte) 127p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Franta; marxism - crestinism; Conciliul Vatican II - Biserica - dialog; anatema - dialog
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - France; Marxism - Christianity / Christianism; Vatican Council, the 2nd - Church, the - dialogue; anathema - dialogue
Position: AS/R-139 UDC: 14(44)19Garaudy,Roger
Series: Les debats de notre temps