New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 2 (total 2 t: a: ).

1. *
European Review: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Academia Europaea/ Editor-in-Chief: Arnold Burgen
John Willey & Sons, Ltd., 1997, 2002, West Sussex , (periodic) , ISSN 1062-7987
Topics (ro): centre de excelenta - Europa Centrala - Europa de Est; societate industriala; Uniunea Europeana - Europa de est
Topics (en): centres of excellence - Central Europe - East Europe; industrial society; European Union - Eastern Europe
Position: periodic UDC: 32/33(4)+008(4)

2. Busek, Erhard; Mikulitsch, Werner
Uniunea Europeana si drumul spre Rasarit/ Erhard Busek si Werner Mikulitsch; Traducere din limba germana: Mihai Grigoras, Gabriela Ghindea, Laura Cocis, Erwin Weiss; Editie ingrijita de: Rudolf Gräf si Mihai Grigoras; Cuvânt inainte: Rudolf Gräf
Institutul European, 2005, Iasi , (carte) p. 225-228, ISBN 973-611-337-X
Topics (ro): Europa - Uniunea Europeana - Europa de Est
Topics (en): Europe - European Union - Eastern Europe
Position: H.1724-BUS UDC: 341.217(4)UE
Series: Colectia Studii europene; 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC