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1. Béhar, Henri
Tristan Tzara / Henri Béhar
Oxus, 2005, Paris , (carte) 257p., ISBN 2-84898-015-X
Topics (ro): Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963 - critica si interpretare; Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963 - dadaism
Topics (en): Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963 - criticism and interpretation; Tristan, 1896-1963 - Dadaism
Position: T.3-TZA-Beh UDC: 821
Series: Les Étrangers de Paris. Les Roumains de Paris
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Béroul
Romanul despre Tristan/ Béroul; traducere in versuri, cuvânt inainte, bibliografie, note, comentarii, cadru istoric si glose de Carmen Dinescu
Polirom, 2014, Iasi , (carte) 334p., ISBN 978-973-46-4882-5
Topics (ro): literatura franceza - inainte de 1500; poezie medievala; Tristan si Isolda - personaje legendare
Topics (en): French literature - before 1500; medieval poetry; Tristan and Iseult - legendary characters
Position: Ta-BER UDC: 821.133.1’04-13(Béroul)=135.1=133.1
Series: Biblioteca medievala
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Buot, François
Tristan Tzara: Omul care a pus la cale revolutia Dada/François Buot; Traducere de Alexandru si Magdalena Boiangiu
Compania, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 368 p., ISBN 973-8119-61-8
Topics (ro): monografie - Tzara, Tristan (1896-1963); dadaism
Topics (en): monography - Tzara, Tristan (1896-1963); Dadaism
Position: T.3-TZA-Buo UDC: 821.135.1.09
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Huelsenbeck, Richard
Memoirs of a Dada Drummer/ by Richard Huelsenbeck; Edited, with an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography by Hans J. Kleinschmidt; Translated by Joachim Neugroschel
The Viking Press, 1974, New York , (carte) L, 202p., ISBN 0-670-46791-X
Topics (ro): dadaism - istorie; psihanaliza - arta moderna; inspiratie - poezie; arta moderna - regimuri totalitare; dada si existentialism; Jean Arp - Tristan Tzara - Hans Richter; Duchamp, Marcel
Topics (en): dadaism - history; psychoanalysis - modern art; inspiration - poetry; modern art - totalitarian regimes; dada and existentialism; Jean Arp - Tristan Tzara - Hans Richter; Duchamp, Marcel
Position: U.171-DADA-Hue UDC: 7.037dadaism
Series: The Documents of 20th-Century Art
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Ilina, Alexandra
La Hiérarchie entre texte et image dans Tristan en prose / Alexandra Ilina
Classiques Garnier, 2020, Paris , (carte) 370p., ISBN 978-2-406-10009-6
Topics (ro): literatura medievala - Le roman de Tristan en prose - ierarhii
Topics (en): medieval literature - prose Tristan - hierarchies
Position: B-ILIN UDC: 821.133.1
Series: Histoire culturelle; 14
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Lot-Borodine, Myrrha
De l'amour profane à l'amour sacré: Etudes de psychologie sentimentale au Moyen Age/ Myrrha Lot-Borodine; Préface d'Etienne Gilson
Librairie Nizet, 1961, Paris , (carte) 191p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - psihologie sentimentala - sec.XI-XIII - Franta; iubire profana - iubire sacra; societate feudala - feminism - sentimente; Tristan; Lancelot; Beatrice; Eva; sf. Graal
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - sentimental psychology - 11th-13th c. - France; profane love/ secular love - sacred love; feudal society - feminism - feelings/ emotions; Tristan; Lancelot; Beatrice; Eve; Holy Grail
Position: AS/R-39 UDC: 14"11/12"+159.9"11/12"

7. Papachristos, Katherine
L'Inscription de l'oral et de l'écrit dans le théâtre de Tristan Tzara / Katherine Papachristos
Peter Lang, 1999, New York , (carte) X, 228 p., ISBN 0-8204-3956-8, ISSN 0893-5963
Topics (ro): literatura franceza - critica literara - Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963 - opera dramatica; teatru experimental - Franta - istorie - sec. XX; literatura franceza - avangarda - dadaism - dramatugie -Tzara, Tristan
Topics (en): French literature - literary criticism - Tzara, tristan, 1896-1963 - dramaturgy; experimental theatre - France - history - 20th century; French literature - avantgarde - Dadaism - dramaturgy - Tzara, Tristan
Position: T.3-TZA-Pap UDC: 82.133.1-2.09*Tzara, Tristan
Series: Currents in Comparative Romance Languages and Literatures; Vol. 69
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Pop, Ion
La Réhabilitation du rêve: Une anthologie de l'Avant-garde roumaine; Étude critique, choix de textes & notes/ Ion Pop
Editura EST-Samuel Tastet Éditeur; Maurice Nadeau; Institutul Cultural Român, 2006, Bucuresti , (carte) 640 p., ISBN 973-8346-36-3
Topics (ro): literatura avangardista - studii critice - texte - antologie; literatura romana - dadaism - constructivism - futurism - suprarealism; avangarda literara româneasca; Urmuz; Tzara, Tristan; Vinea, Ion; Voronca, Ilarie; Pana, Sasa; Luca, Gherasim; Naum, Gel
Topics (en): Avantgarde literature - critical studies - textes - anthology; Romanian literature - Dadaism - Constructivism - Futurism - Surrealism; Romanian literary Avantgarde; Urmuz; Tzara, Tristan; Vinea, Ion; Voronca, Ilarie; Pana, Sasa; Luca, Gherasim; Naum, Gell
Position: Vt.2-POP UDC: 821.135.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Sandqvist, Tom
Dada Öst: Rumänerna pa Cabaret Voltaire Tom Sandqvist
Bokförlaget Signum, 2005, Lund , (carte) 368 p., ISBN 91-87896-67-2
Topics (ro): arta contemporana - Dada - avangarda - sec. XX; arta avangardista - dadaism - Iancu, Marcel, 1895-1984 - România - executii dadaiste - cabaretul Voltaire; arta - dadaism - simbolism - futurism - arta absurda; dadaism - anti-rationalism - Tristan Tzara -
Topics (en): contemporary art - Dada - avantgarde - 20th century; avantgardist art - Dadaism - Janco, Marcel, 1895-1985 - Romania - Dada performances - Cabaret Voltaire; fine arts - Dadaism - Futurism - absurde art; Dadaism - anti-rationalism - Tristan Tzara - Marcel
Position: U.171-DADA-San UDC: 7.037
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Sandqvist, Tom
Dada East: the Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire/ Tom Sandqvist
The Mit Press, 2006, London , (carte) 434 p., ISBN 0-262-19507-0
Topics (ro): arta contemporana - DADA - avangarda - sec.XX; arta avangardista -dadaism - România - Iancu, Marcel, 1895-1984 - Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963; arta - simbolism - futurism - arta absurda; artisti evrei - Moinesti - România - sec.XX
Topics (en): contemporary art - DADA - avantgarde - 20th century; avantgardist art - Dadaism - Romania - Janco, Marcel, 1895-1984 - Tzara, Tristan, 1896-1963; fine arts - Dadaism - Futurism - absurde art; Jewish artists - Moinesti - Romania - 20th century
Position: U.171-DADA-San UDC: 7.037
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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