New Europe College

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1. Academia Litterarum Bulgarica; Fol, A. N.; Georgiev, V.I.; Tapkova-Zaimova, V.; Velkov, V.
Thracia III: Primus Congressus Studiorum Thracicorum/ Academia Litterarum Bulgarica; De editione curantibus A. N. Fol, V. I. Georgiev, V. Tapkova-Zaimova, V. Velkov
In aedibus Academiae Litterarum Bulgaricae, 1974, Serdicae [Sofia] , (carte) 440p.
Topics (ro): traci - Tracia - arheologie - istoria artei - antichitate - congres
Topics (en): Thracians - Thrace - archaeology - art history - antiquity - congress
Position: DS/L-2 UDC: 902(398)

2. Academia Litterarum Bulgarica; Georgiev, V.I.; Tapkova-Zaimova, V.; Velkov, V.
Thracia I: Primus Congressus Studiorum Thracicorum/ Academia Litterarum Bulgarica; De editione curantibus V. I. Georgiev, V. Tapkova-Zaimova, V. Velkov
In aedibus Academiae Litterarum Bulgaricae, 1972, Serdicae [Sofia] , (carte) 348p.
Topics (ro): traci - Tracia - arheologie - antichitate - congres; istorie - traci
Topics (en): Thracians - Thracia - archaeology - antiquity - congress; history - Thracians
Position: DS/L-1 UDC: 902(398)

3. Boardman, John; Sharratt, A.G.; Moorey, P.R.S.; Hawkins, J.D.; Collon, Dominique; Edwards, I.E.S.; James, T.G.H.; Karageorghis, V.; Mellink, M.; Masson, O.; Mihailov, G.; Sulimirski, T.; Jeffery, L.H.
The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume III: The Middle East, the Greek World and the Balkans to the Sixth Century B.C.: Plates/ Edited by John Boardman F.B.A.
Cambridge University Press, 1999, Cambridge, New York , (carte) xiv, 199p., ISBN 0-521-24289-4
Topics (ro): istorie antica; preistorie - Balcani; Babilon; Asiria; civilizatie feniciana si punica; istoria civilizatiei - antichitate; Egiptul antic; Anatolia; Tracia; Scitia; Israel; Grecia antica
Topics (en): ancient history; prehistory - Balkans; Babylon; Assyria; Phoenician and Punic civilization; history of civilization - antiquity; ancient Egypt; Anatolia; Thracia; Scythia; Israel; Ancient Greece
Position: H.11/.13-CAM (3a) UDC: 930"-05"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Jacquemard, Simonne
Trois mystiques grecs: Orphée, Pythagore, Empédocle / Simonne Jacquemard
Albin Michel, 1997, Paris , (carte) 172 p., ISBN 2-226-08946-2, ISSN 0755-1835
Topics (ro): filosofie clasica - mistica greaca - miracol grec - sec. V i.e.n. - Grecia antica; civilizatie greaca - sec. V i.e.n.; filosofie mistica - ritualuri initiatice - orfism - Grecia antica; filosofie - mistica - Orfeu din Tracia - Pitagora - Empedocle - Greci
Topics (en): classical philosophy - Greek mysticism - Greek miracle - 5th century b. C. - Ancient Greece; Greek civilization - 5th cebtury b. C.; mystical philosophy - initiatory rituals - Orphism - Ancient Greece; philosophy - mystic - Orpheus from Thrace - Pythagora
Position: G.1h1-JAC UDC: 141.33(38)
Series: Spiritualités vivantes: 146
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Martemjanov, A. P.
Obscinnye otnosenija v selah Niznej Mezii i Phrakii v pervyh vekah nasej ery/ A. P. Martemjanov
HNU im. V. N. Karazina, 2012, Harkov , (carte) 224p., ISBN 978-966-623-901-6
Topics (ro): istorie antica - viata sociala - relatii comunale - sate - Moesia Inferior - Tracia - sec.I-III
Topics (en): ancient history - social life - communal realtions - villages - Moesia Inferior - Thracia - 1st-3rd c. AD
Position: H.132-MAR UDC: 93:323.2(495.7)"00/02"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Oppermann, Manfred
Tracii intre arcul carpatic si Marea Egee/ Manfred Oppermann; Traducere de Ondine Cristina Dascalita; Prefata, note, control si revizie stiintifica de dr. Mircea Babes
Editura Militara, 1988, Bucuresti , (carte) 256p.
Topics (ro): traci - istorie - arheologie - religie - limba; triburi trace - epoca fierului; cultura - arta - traci - Dunarea de jos - sec.VI-IV i.e.n.; Tracia - epoca elenistica; traci - Peninsula Balcanica - epoca romana
Topics (en): Thracians - history - archaeology - religion - language; Thracians tribes - iron age; culture - art - Thracians - Lower Danube - 6-4th century B. C. ; Thrace - Hellenistic age; Thracians - Balkan Peninsula - Roman age
Position: DS/L-14 UDC: 902(398)

7. Wiesner, Joseph
Die Thraker: Studien zu einem versunken Volk des Balkanraumes/ Joseph Wiesner
W. Kohlhammer Verlag, 1963, Stuttgart , (carte) 256p.: fig.
Topics (ro): tracologie; istoria civilizatiei - tracii; civilizatia traca
Topics (en): Thracology;history of civilization - Tracians, the; Thracian civilization
Position: DS/L-15 UDC: 94(398); 930.85(398)
Series: Urban Bücher. Die Wissenschaftliche Taschenbuchreihe/ hrsg. v. Fritz Ernst; 41