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1. *
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes: [The Plays/ edited by David Greene and Richmond Lattimore]
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1993, Chicago [...] , (carte) xi, 905p., ISBN 0-85229-531-6
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate; tragedie greaca; Eschil; Sofocle; Euripide; Aristofan
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity; Greek tragedy; Aeschylus, c. 525-456 B.C.; Sophocles; Euripides; Aristophanes (c. 450-388 B.C.)
Position: 0.0-ADL (4) UDC: 821.14
Series: Great Books of the Western World: A Chronology of the Great Authors; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Donnet, Daniel
Le "Philoctète" en vers français, de Charles Delanoue/ Étude et édition critique par Daniel Donnet
Presses Universitaires de Louvain UCL, 1997, Louvain-la-Neuve , (carte) 157p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate; mitologie greaca - tragedie - Sofocle - Filoctet - studiu critic
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity; Greek mythology - tragedy - Sophocles - Philoctetes - critical study
Position: DS/A-321 UDC: 821.14
Series: Travaux de la Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres de l'Université Catholique de Louvain; IV

3. Germain, Gabriel [ 1903-1978]
Sophocle / Gabriel Germain
Éditions du Seuil, 1969, Paris , (carte) 188p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate; tragedie greaca - Sofocle
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity; Greek tragedy - Sophocles
Position: MT/C-735 UDC: 821.14.09Sofocle
Series: Écrivains de toujours; 84

4. Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843)
Remarques sur Oedipe. Remarques sur Antigone/ Hölderlin; précédé de "Hölderlin et Sophocle" par Jean Beaufret; Traduction et notes par François Fédier
Union Générale d'Éditions, 1965, Paris , (carte) 191p.
Topics (ro): Oedip - critica si interpretare; literatura greaca clasica - tragedia greaca - Sofocle; literatura germana - sec.XVIII-XIX - Hölderlin, Fr.; Antigona - critica si interpretare
Topics (en): Oedipus - criticism and interpretation; classical Greek literature - Greek tragedy/ Greek tragic drama - Sofocle; German literature, the - 18th-19th century - Hölderlin, Fr.; Antigone - criticism and interpretation
Position: AS/M-112 UDC: 821.112.2"17/18"Hölderlin, Fr.
Series: Bibliothèque 10/18

5. Honig, Bonnie
Antigone, Interrupted/ Bonnie Honig
Cambridge University Press, 2013, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, [...] , (carte) xviii, 321p., ISBN 978-1-107-66815-7
Topics (ro): stiinta politica - filosofie; filosofie politica - Sofocle - Antigona; tragedie - materialism - etica
Topics (en): political science - philosophy; political philosophy - Sophocles - Antigone; tragedy - materialism - ethics
Position: J.01-HON UDC: 320.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Jacerme, Pierre [filosof francez]
La folie: De Sophocle à l'antipsychiatrie/ par Pierre Jacerme
Bordas, 1974, Paris , (carte) 224p., ISBN 2-04-004404-3
Topics (ro): psihiatrie - nebunie; nebunia - de la Sofocle la antipsihiatrie
Topics (en): psychiatry - madness; madness - from Sophocles to anti-psichiatry
Position: MT/A-3932 UDC: 616.89: 14
Series: Univers des Lettres. Collection thématique
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Marmeliuc, Dimitrie
Sofocles: Cercetari cronologice II.: Regele Oidipus, Oidipus in Colonos/ Dimitrie Marmeliuc
Institutul de Arte grafice si Editura "Glasul Bucovinei", 1925, Cernauti , (extras) 34p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate; mitologie greaca - tragedie - Sofocle - cercetari cronologice
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity; Greek mythology - tragedy - Sophocles - chronological researches
Position: DS/A-324 UDC: 821.14Sofocle

8. Müller, Carl Werner [n.1931]
Zur Datierung des sophokleischen Ödipus/ Carl Werner Müller
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, 1984, Mainz; Wiesbaden , (carte) 86p., ISBN 3-515-04239-3, ISSN 0002-2977
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - tragedie Greaca - Sofocle - Oedip - datare
Topics (en): ancient Greek literature - Greek tragedy - Sophocles - Oedipus - datation
Position: DS/T-156 UDC: 821.14Sofocle
Series: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlich
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Reinhardt, Karl
Sophocle/ Karl Reinhardt; traduit de l'allemand et préfacé par Emmanuel Martineau
Les Éditions de Minuit, 1971, Paris , (carte) 297p.
Topics (ro): literatura greaca - dramaturgie - antichitate - Sofocle; Sofocle, 497/6-406 i. Chr (despre); tragedie greaca
Topics (en): Greek literature - dramaturgy - antiquity - Sophocles; Sophocles, 497/6-406 BC (about); Greek tragedy
Position: MT/C-466 UDC: 821.14
Series: Arguments; 48

10. Riemer, Peter [n. 1955]
Sophokles, Antigone: Götterwille und menschliche Freiheit/ von Peter Riemer
Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Franz Steiner Verlag, 1991, Mainz; Stuttgart , (carte) 60p., ISBN 3-515-06003-0, ISSN 0002-2977
Topics (ro): literatura greaca antica - tragedie greaca - Sofocle
Topics (en): ancient Greek literature - Greek tragedy - Sofocles
Position: DS/T-192 UDC: 821.14Sofocle
Series: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Geistes- und Sozial Wissenschaftlich
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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