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1. Scheeben, Matthias Joseph [ teolog si mistic catolic german, 1835-1888]
Les mystères du christianisme: Essence, signification et synthèse/ Matthias JOseph Scheeben; nouvelle edition abrégée par Friedrich Fuchs; Traduit de l'allemand par D. Mazé
Payot, 1958, Paris , (carte) 269p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - misterele crestinismului; SfintaTreime; misterul creatiei; misterul pacatului; Hristos omul-Dumnezeu; misterul euharistiei; Biserica si sacramentele; justificarea crestina; transfigurarea; predestinarea
Topics (en): Christianity - the mysteries of Christianity; The Holy Trinity; mystery of creation; mystery of sin; Christ the God-man; Eucharistic mystery; Church and sacraments; Christian justification; transfiguration; predestination
Position: MT/B-763 UDC: 22
Series: Bibliothèque historique