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1. *
Philosophes médiévaux: Anthologie de textes philosophiques (XIIIe-XIVe siècles)/ sous la direction de Ruedi Imbach et Maryse-Hélène Méléard
Editions 10/18, 1986, Paris , (carte) 414 p., ISBN 2-264-01881-X
Topics (ro): Duns Scotus, Johannes; Lullus, Raimundus; Maestrul Eckhart; Guillaume din Ockham; Gersonide; Grigore din Rimini; Berthold de Moosburg; filosofie medievala - texte - sec.XIII-XIV; Dante; Bacon, Roger; Toma de Aquino
Topics (en): Duns Scotus, Johannes; Lullus, Raimundus; Master Eckhart; William of Ockham; Gersonide; Gregory of Rimini; Berthold de Moosburg; Medieval philosophy - texts - 13th-14th centuries; Dante; Bacon, Roger (?1214-1292); Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Position: AS/R-38 UDC: 14"12/13"
Series: Collection "Bibliothèque médiévale"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Adams, Marilyn McCord; Chalmers, David; Courtenay, William J.; Freddoso, Alfred J.; Goddu, André; Karger, Elizabeth; Kilcullen, John; King, Peter; Klima, Gyula; McGrade, A. S.; [...]
The Cambridge Companion to Ockham / Edited by Paul Vincent Spade
Cambridge University Press, 1999, Cambridge - New York , (carte) xviii, 420 p., ISBN 0-521-58790-5 (pbk)
Topics (ro): filosofie politica - William, of Ockham, ca 1285-1349; filosofie medievala - scolastica - Ockham - Anglia; metafizica - nominalism - Ockham; ontologie - categorii - semantica - Ockham; filosofia naturii - Ockham; etica - Ockham; logica - cognitie - intuit
Topics (en): political philosophy - William, of Ockham, ca. 1285-1349; Medieval philosophy - scholasticism - Ockham - England; metaphysics - nominalism - Ockham; ontology - categories - semantics - Ockham; philosophy of nature - Ockham; ethics - Ockham; logic - cognit
Position: J.14-OCK-Spa UDC: 14*Ockham
Series: The Cambridge Companions to Philosophy
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Black, Robert [Ed.]; Kraye, Jill; Hankins, James; Nauta, Lodi; Schmitt, Charles B.; Kristeller, P.O.; Breen, Quirinus; Baron, Hnas; Gilbert, Felix; Barlow, J. Jackson
The Renaissance: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies, Volume IV: Anti-Humanism and anti-Renaissance/ Edited by Robert Black
Routledge, 2006, London and New York , (carte) viii, 438p., ISBN 0-415-36201-6
Topics (ro): istoria culturii - Renastere - concepte critice; anti-Umanism - anti-Renastere; Renasterea Italiana - filosofie; Ockham, William of - Valla, Lorenzo; aristotelism renascentist; platonism florentin - umanism - scolastica; Machiavelli
Topics (en): history of culture - Renaissance - critical concepts; anti-Humanism - anti-Renaissance; Italian Renaissance - philosophy; Ockham, William of - Valla, Lorenzo; Renaissance Aristotelianism; Florentine Platonism - humanism - scholasticism; Machiavelli
Position: H.0a-B LA (4) UDC: 930.85(4)"14/15"
Series: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Copleston, Frederick [ preot iezuit, filosof, istoric al filosofiei, 1907-1994]
A History of Philosophy, Volume 3: Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy, Part I: Ockham to the Speculative Mystics/ by Frederick Copleston
Image Books, A Division of Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1963, Garden City, New York , (carte) 239p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia medievala tirzie si filosofia Renasterii; filosofie - sec. XIV; Ockham; mistica speculativa
Topics (en): history of philosophy - the late medieval philosdophy and the Renaissance Philosophy; Philosophy - 14th c.; Ockham; speculative mysticism
Position: MT/A-435 UDC: 1(09)

5. Gilson, Etienne [1884-1978]
La philosophie au Moyen age, II: De S. Thomas d'Aquin à G. d'Occam/ Etienne Gilson
Payot et Cie, 1922, Paris , (carte) 160p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - de la Toma de Aquino la Ockham; Albert cel Mare si Toma de Aquino; averroismul latin - Siger de Brabant; Raymond Lulle si Duns Scotus; filosofia medievala - sec.XIV - Ockham; misticismul speculativ
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - from Thomas Aquinas to Ockham; Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas; Latin averroism - Siger of Brabant; Duns Scotus and Raymond Lulle; Medieval philosophy - 14th c. - Ockham; speculative mysticism
Position: MT/A-805 UDC: 14(09)
Series: Collection Payot; 26

6. Grabmann, Martinus [Ed.]
Questio de universali secundum viam et doctrinam Guilelmi de Ockham: Anonymi cuiusdam Nominalistae Quaestio de universaalibus/ edidit Martinus Grabmann
Aschendorf. Monasterii, 1930, Aschendorff , (extras) 40p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - William of Ockham, 1285-1347
Topics (en): medieval philosophy - William of Ockham, 1285-1347
Position: MT/A-3002 UDC: 14*Ockham, William of
Series: Opuscula et textus hist. ecclesiae eiusque vitam et doctrinam illustrantia

7. Grellard, Christophe; Ong-Van-Cung, Kim Sang
le vocabulaire de Guillaume d'Ockham/ Christophe Grellard, Kim Sang Ong-Van-Cung
Ellipses, 2005, Paris , (carte) 90p., ISBN 2-7298-2547-9
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - William of Ockham, 1285-1347; vocabular filosofic - Ockham, William of, 1285-1347
Topics (en): medieval philosophy - William of Ockham, 1285-1347; philosophical vocabulary - Ockham, William of, 1285-1347
Position: MT/A-2430 UDC: 14*Ockham, William of
Series: Vocabulaire de...
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Guelluy, Robert [ 1913-2001]
Philosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockham/ par Robert Guelluy
É. Nauwelaerts; J. Vrin, 1947, Louvain; Paris , (carte) xxiv, 384 [4]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - William of Ockham, 1285-1347, teolog si filosof, calugar franciscan; teologie si filosofie - Ockham, William of
Topics (en): medieval philosophy - William of Ockham, 1285-1347, theologist and philosopher, Franciscan monk; Theology and philosophy - Ockham, William of
Position: MT/A-2427 UDC: 14*Ockham, William of
Series: Dissertationes ad gradum magistri in Facultate Theologica vel in Facultate Iuris Canonici consequend

9. Leff, Gordon [n. 1926]
Medieval Thought: St. Augustine to Ockham/ Gordon Leff
Penguin Books, 1962, Harmondsworth, Middlesex , (carte) 317p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - gindirea medievala - de la Augustin la Ockham
Topics (en): medieval philosophy - medieval thought - from St. Augustine to Ockham
Position: MT/A-790 UDC: 14(09)
Series: A Pelican original

10. Muralt, André de [ filosof elvetian, n. 1931]
L'enjeu de la philosophie médiévale: Études thomistes, scotistes, occamiennes et grégoriennes/ par André de Muralt
E.J. Brill, 1991, Leiden; New York; Köbenhavn; Köln , (carte) xvi, 450p., ISBN 90-04-09254-4, ISSN 0169-8125
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala; filosofie - Toma de Aquino; filosofie - Ockham, Guillaume d'
Topics (en): medieval philosophy; Philosophy - Thomas Aquinas; Philosophy - Ockham, Guillaume d '
Position: MT/A-756 UDC: 1(09)
Series: Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters; Band XXIV
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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