New Europe College

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1. Gorceix, Bernard [ germanist francez, istoric al filosofiei, 1937-1984]
Johann Georg Gichtel, Théosophe d'Amstwerdam/ Bernard Gorceix
L'Age d'Homme, 1975, Paris , (carte) 174p.
Topics (ro): ezoterism - teosofie - Gichtel, Johann Georg, 1628-1710 - Amsterdam; Dumnezeu - Sofia - Diavolul - Creatia; androginul - dubla cadere; psihologia focului; Sofia - Maria - Isus; Melchisedec
Topics (en): esotericism - Theosophy - Gichtel, Johann Georg, 1628-1710 - Amsterdam; God - Sophia - Devil - Creation; androgyne - double fall; psychology of fire; Sophia - Maria - Jesus; Melchisedec
Position: MT/A-3292 UDC: 133
Series: Delphica

2. Laurant, Jean-Pierre
Le regard ésotérique / Jean-Pierre Laurant
Bayard Éditions, 2001, Paris , (carte) 256 p., ISBN 2-227-32523-2
Topics (ro): maternitate divina - hierogamie; maestrii mistici; ocultism; ezoterism - Melchisedec - Hermes; simbolismul corpului - medicina - transmutatia corpurilor; ezoterism - Coomaraswamy - Guénon
Topics (en): divine maternity - hierogamy; mystical masters; occultism; esotericism, esoterism - Melchisedech - Hermes; symbolism of the body - medicine - transmutation of the bodies; esotericism, esoterism - Coomaraswamy - Guénon, R.
Position: C.2-LAU UDC: 133
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Tourniac, Jean
Melkitsedeq ou La tradition primordiale/ Jean Tourniac
Albin Michel, 1983, Paris , (carte) 336p., ISBN 2-226-01769-0
Topics (ro): ezoterism; ermetism; Guénon, René - traditie primordiala - preotie - Melchisedec; iudaism; islam - Coran; crestinism - Biblia - patristica - teozofie; mistica crestina; initiere sacerdotala
Topics (en): esotericism, esoterism; hermetism; Guénon, René - primordial tradition - priesthood - Melchisedech; Judaism; Islam - Koran, the; Christianity / Christianism - Bible, the - patristics - theosophy; Christian mysticism; sacerdotal initiation, priestly init
Position: AS/E-44 UDC: 133:22
Series: Bibliothèque de l'Hermétisme
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC