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1. *
Revue Internationale de Philosophie / Directeur: Michel Meyer
Presses Universitaires de France, 1999-2014, Paris , (periodic) cca 170 p., ISSN 0048-8143
Topics (ro): filosofia economiei; fenomenologie; logica; filosofie; filosofia stiintei; neurostiinta; filosofie sociala - filosofia istoriei - hermenutica - Dilthey; filosofia limbajului - discurs
Topics (en): philosophy of economics; phenomenology; logic; philosophy; philosophy of science; neuroscience; social philosophy - philosophy of history - hermeneutics - Dilthey; philosophy of language - discourse
Position: Periodic; MT/A-4255-4256 UDC: 1(05)

2. Andler, Ch.; Basch, V.; Benrubi, J.; Bouglé, C.; Delbos, V.; Dwelshauvers, G.; Groethuysen, B; Norero, H.
La philosophie allemande au XIXe siècle/ par MM. Ch. Andler, V. Basch, J. Benrubi, C. Bouglé, V. Delbos, G. Dwelshauvers, B. Groethuysen, H. Norero
Librairie Félix Alcan, 1912, Paris , (carte) vi, 255p.
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia germana moderna - sec.XIX; Dilthey si scoala sa; Husserl; Eucken; Wundt; filosofia stiintelor istorice; estetica germana - sec.XIX
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern German philosophy - 19th c.; Dilthey and his school; Husserl; Eucken; Wundt; philosophy of historical sciences; German aesthetics - 19th c.
Position: MT/A-899 UDC: 14(430)"19"(09)

3. Coreth, Emerich [filosof austriac, preot iezuit, 1919-2006]; Ehlen, Peter[ filosof si iezuit german, n. 1934]; Schmidt, Josef [filosof si iezuit, n. 1946]
Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts/ Emerich Coreth, Peter Ehlen, Josef Schmidt
Verlag W. Kohlhammer, 1989, Stuttgart; Berlin; Köln , (carte) 190, [2]p., ISBN 3-17-010743-7
Topics (ro): istoria filosofiei - filosofia moderna - sec.XIX; idealismul german - Fichte - Schelling - Hegel; filosofia existentei - Kierkegaard; idealism si romantism; pozitivism si materialism; Nietzsche; Bergson; Dilthey; Klages; Spranger; Spengler; Feuerbach; Mar
Topics (en): history of philosophy - modern philosophy - 19th c.; German idealism - Fichte - Schelling - Hegel; existence philosophy - Kierkegaard; idealism and romanticism; positivism and materialism; Nietzsche; Bergson; Dilthey; Klages; Spranger; Spengler; Feuerbach
Position: Mt/A-978 UDC: 14"18"(09)
Series: grundkurs Philosophie; 9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Dierse, Ulrich; Figal, Günter; Gron, Arne; Holzhey, Helmut; Lübcke, Poul; Olesen, Soren Gosvig; Wolf, Jean-Claude
Filosofia în secolul XX. Volumul 1: Fenomenologia, Hermeneutica, Filosofia existentei, Teoria critica / coordonatori: Anton Hügli, Poul Lübcke; Traducere de Gheorghe Pascu, Andrei Apostol, Cristian Lupu
ALL Educational, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 532 p., ISBN 973-684-368-8, ISSN 973-684-367-X
Topics (ro): filosofia vietii - Jaspers, Karl - Heidegger, M. - Jonas, Hans - Sartre, J.-P. - Marcel, Gabriel; fenomenologie - Husserl, Edmund; existentialism - Dilthey, Wilhelm; filosofie - istorie - sec. XX; hermeneutica - Gadamer - Habermas; teoria critica - Adorno
Topics (en): philosophy of life - Jaspers, Karl - Heidegger, M. - Jonas, Hans - Sartre, J.-P. - Marcel, Gabriel; phenomenology - Husserl, Edmund; existentialism - Dilthey, Wilhelm; philosophy - history - 20th century; hermeneutics - Gadamer - Habermas; critical theory
Position: A.17-HÜG (1) UDC: 1(100)"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833-1911)
Esenta filozofiei / Wilhelm Dilthey; Traducere, studiu introductiv si note de Radu Gabriel Pârvu
Humanitas, 2002, Bucuresti , (carte) 170 p., ISBN 973-50-0252-3
Topics (ro): filosofie - Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833-1911) - Germania; filosofia vietii - filosofia trairii; natura filosofiei - rostul filosofiei; viziunea filosofica despre lume - istorism
Topics (en): philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm, 1833-1911 - Germany; philosophy of life - philosophy of existence; nature of philosophy - meaning of philosophy; philosophical vision of the world - historicism
Position: A.2-DIL UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Filozofie; Colectia :35
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

6. Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833-1911); Mesure, Sylvie [Ed.]
Oeuvres, 4: Conception du monde et analyse de l'homme depuis la Renaissance et la Réforme/ Wilhelm Dilthey; Édition et presentation par Sylvie Mesure; Traduction par Fabienne Blaise; Annotation par Fabienne Blaise et Sylvie Mesure
Éditions du Cerf, 1999, Paris , (carte) 468p., ISBN 2-204-06103-4
Topics (ro): filosofie - Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833-1911) - Germania; filosofie si religie - conceptia despre lume - sec.XV-XVII; stiinta spiritului - sec.XVII; panteism; antropologie - cultura
Topics (en): philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm, 1833-1911 - Germany; philosophy and religion - world-view - 15th-17th c.; science of spirit - 17th c.; pantheism; anthropology - culture
Position: A.2-DIL (4) UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Passages/ Collection dirigée par Heinz Wismann
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. Dilthey, Wilhelm [ 1833-1911]
Introduction à l'étude des sciences humaines : Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften, essai sur le fondement qu'on pourrait donner à l'étude de la société et de l'histoire / par Wilhelm Dilthey ; Traduit par Louis Sauzin
Presses universitaires de France, 1942, Paris , (carte) VII, 526p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germania - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; stiintele umaniste - sociologie - filosofia istoriei
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germany - 19th c. - early 20th c.; humanities - sociology - philosophy of history
Position: A.2-DIL UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine

8. Dilthey, Wilhelm [1833-1911]
Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften: versuch einer Grundlegung für das Studium der Gesellschaft und der Geschichte, Erster Band/ Wilhem Dilthey; [Vorwort u. herausgegeben von Bernhard Groethuysen]
Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1922, Leipzig und Berlin , (carte) xx, 429, [3]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germania - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; stiintele umaniste - sociologie - filosofia istoriei
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germany - 19th c. - early 20th c.; humanities - sociology - philosophy of history
Position: MT/A-1392 UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Wilhelm Diltheys Gesammelte Schriften; I. Band

9. Dilthey, Wilhelm [1833-1911]
Weltanschauung und Analyse des Menschen seit Renaissance und Reformation/ Wilhelm Dilthey; Herausgegeben von Georg Misch
Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1914, Leipzig und Berlin , (carte) xi, 528, [2]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germania - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX; conceptie moderna despre lume; analiza omului
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germany - 19th c. - early 20th c.; modern conception of the world; analysis of the human being
Position: MT/A-1393 UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Wilhelm Diltheys Gesammelte Schriften; II. Band

10. Dilthey, Wilhelm [1833-1911]
Die Jugendgeschichte Hegels und andere Abhandlungen zur Geschichte des deutschen Idealismus/ Wilhelm Dilthey; [Vorwort von Herman Nohl]
Verlag von B. G. Teubner, 1921, Leipzig und Berlin , (carte) x, 583, [5]p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germania - sec.XIX - inceputul sec.XX;; Hegel - perioada de tinerete; idealismul german
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Dilthey, Wilhelm - Germany - 19th c. - early 20th c.; Hegel - the youth; German idealism
Position: MT/A-1394 UDC: 14*Dilthey, Wilhelm
Series: Wilhelm Diltheys Gesammelte Schriften; IV. Band

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