Studies in Greek Philosophy, Volume I: The Presocratics/ Gregory Vlastos; Edited by Daniel W. Graham
Princeton University Press, 1996, Princeton, N.J.
, (carte) xxxiv, 389p., ISBN 0-691-01937-1
Topics (ro): filosofie greaca antica - presocraticii; teologie si filosofie - gindire greaca timpurie; Heraclit; Parmenide; Zenon; Anaxagoras - teoria fizica; etica si fizica - Democrit Topics (en): ancient Greek philosophy - presocratics, the; theology and philosophy - early Greek thought; Heraclitus; Parmenides; Zeno; Anaxagoras - physical theory; ethics and physics - Democritus | | Position: A.12-VLA
UDC: 14(38)
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