New Europe College

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1. Bulgakov, Serghei [ Serghei Nikolaevici Bulgakov, preot rus, teolog ortodox, filosof, economist, 1871-1944]
Du Verbe incarné ( Agnus Dei)/ par Serge Boulgakof; Traduit du russe par Constantin Andronikof
Aubier - Éditions Montaigne, 1943, Paris , (carte) 382p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - ortodoxie - Biserica rusa - christologie; Cuvintul intrupat - Intruparea - Dumnezeu-om; Duhul lui Dumnezeu - duhul omuluii; intelepciunea divina - intelepciunea umana
Topics (en): Christianity - Orthodoxy - Russian Church - Christology; Incarnate Word - Incarnation - God-man; Spirit of God - spirit of man; divine wisdom - human wisdom
Position: MT/B-1237 UDC: 281.9:23
Series: Les Religions; 1: La Sagesse divine et la théanthropie; 1

2. Grégoire de Nysse [ Grigore din Nyssa, sf. (cca. 330 - cca. 395)]
La catéchèse de la foi/ Grégoire de Nysse; Introduction de Jean-R. Armogathe; Traduction d'Annette Maignan; Notes, plan de travail de A. G. Hamman
Desclée de Brouwer, 1978, Paris , (carte) 128 p., ISBN 2-220-02186-6, ISSN 0180-7439
Topics (ro): crestinism - patristica - Grigore din Nyssa - cateheza credintei; Dumnezeul unic si treimic; Cuvintul intrupat; sensul crestin al omului; moarte si Inviere - restauratia universala
Topics (en): Christianity - patristic - Gregory of Nyssa - catechesis faith; One God and the Trinity; Incarnate Word; Christian meaning of man; Death and Resurrection - the universal restoration
Position: MT/B-1179 UDC: 276 Grigore din Nyssa
Series: Les Pères dans la foi; 6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Thomas Aquinas [ Toma de Aquino, Sf., calugar dominican si teolog (cca 1225-1274)]
Summa Theologiae: Latin text and English translation [in 61 volumes], Volume 48: The Incarnate Word (3a. 1-6)/ St. Thomas Aquinas; English translation, Introduction, Notes, Appendices & Glossary: R. J. Hennessey O.P.
Cambridge University Press, 2006, Cambridge, New York, ... , (carte) xx, 206p., ISBN 978-0-521-02956-8
Topics (ro): teologie crestina - Evul Mediu; Toma de Aquino, sf., calugar dominican si teolog (cca 1225-1274) - filosofie medievala; filosofie tomista; Cuvintul intrupat
Topics (en): Christian theology - Middle Ages; Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225-1274, Dominican monk and theologian - Medieval philosophy; Thomist philosophy; incarnate Word
Position: A.2-TOM (48) UDC: 14* Toma de Aquino
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Thomas Aquinas [ Toma de Aquino, Sf., calugar dominican si teolog (cca 1225-1274)]
Somme Théologique, 3: Le Verbe incarné, Tome premier, 3a, Questions 1-6/ Saint Thomas d'Aquin; Traduction française par Ch.-V. Héris, O. P.
Éditions de la Revue des Jeunes; Société Saint Jean l'Évangéliste Desclée et Cie, 1927, Paris; Tournai; Rome , (carte) 316p.
Topics (ro): teologie crestina - Evul Mediu; Toma de Aquino, sf., calugar dominican si teolog (cca 1225-1274) - filosofie medievala; filosofie tomista; Cuvintul intrupat
Topics (en): Christian theology - Middle Ages; Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 1225-1274, Dominican monk and theologian - Medieval philosophy; Thomist philosophy; the incarnate Word
Position: MT/A-2960 UDC: 14*Toma de Aquino: 23