New Europe College

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1. *
Space from Zeno to Einstein: Classic Readings with a Contemporary Commentary / edited and with a commentary by Nick Huggett
The MIT Press, , Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England , (carte) XII, 274 p., ISBN 0-262-58169-8
Topics (ro): fizica - filosofie; filosofie - spatiu - timp; Platon, Euclid; Zeno; Aristotel; Descartes, R.; Newton, P.; Leibniz; Clarke; Berkeley, Mach; Kant, Im. - geometrie; Poincaré; Einstein
Topics (en): physics - philosophy; philosophy - space - time; Plato, Euclid; Zeno; Aristotle (384-322 BC); Descartes, R.; Newton, P.; Leibniz; Clarke; Berkeley, Mach; Kant, Im. - geometry; Poincaré; Einstein
Position: B.10-HUG UDC: 114/115(091)
Series: A Bradford book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Cioc, Emilian; Corneanu, Sorana; Costreie, Sorin; Cotoi, Calin Nicolae; Goina, Calin; Otoiu, Damiana Gabriela; Papahagi, Adrian; Raduta, Magda; New Europe College [Ed.]
New Europe College Yearbook 2006-2007: Nihilisme et politique. La deposition moderne de la roi/ Emilian Cioc; To "Clear the Mind of All Perturbation": The Discipline of Judgment in the Seventeeth Century/ Sorana Corneanu; Leibniz and Clarke. Physics, Metaphysics and Mathematics/ Sorin Costreie; The Imagining of National Spaces in Interwar Romania. Nationalist Regionalism and Ethnology/ Calin Nicolae Cotoi; The Social History of a Rural Settlement from Eighteenth to the Beginning of Twentieth Century: Class and Ethnicity in the Modern Era/ Calin Goina; La " Propriete Juive" dans la Roumanie communiste (1945-1989) entre le modele sovietique et le spectacle de l'autonomie/ Damiana Gabriela Otoiu; Prolegomena to a New Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts in the Batthyaneum Library (Alba Iulia)/ Adrian Papahagi; Jeux litteraires et enjeux de lutte - La generation 80 dans le champ litteraire Roumain/ Magda Raduta; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2009, Bucuresti , (anuar) 312p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): nihilism si politica; fizica - metafizica - matematica - Leibnitz si Clarke; disciplina judecatii - sec.XVII; istorie sociala - etnicitate; proprietate - evrei - România - 1945-1989; manuscrise medievale - Biblioteca Batthyaneum - Alba Iulia; literatura
Topics (en): nihilism and politics; physics - metaphysics - mathematics - Leibnitz and Clarke; discipline of judgement - 17th c.; social history - ethnicity; property - jews - romania - 1945-1989; Medieval manuscripts - Batthyaneum Library - Alba Iulia; Romanian liter
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook

3. Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von [ 1646-1716]
Oeuvres/ de G. W. Leibniz, Tome I: Introduction, textes et commentaires/ Editées par Lucy Pregnant avec introduction, tables et notes
Aubier - Montaigne, 1972, Paris , (carte) 489p.
Topics (ro): filosofie germana moderna - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, 1646-1716; Leibniz - viata si opera; Leibniz - corespondenta cu Arnauld; Leibniz - corespondenta cu Clarke
Topics (en): modern German philosophy - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von, 1646-1716; Leibniz - life and work; Leibniz - correspondence with Arnauld; Leibniz - correspondence with Clarke
Position: MT/A-2224 UDC: 14*Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von
Series: Bibliothèque Philosophique
