New Europe College

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1. Brett, Daniel; Costache, Stefania; Devyatkov, Andrey; Gassner, Florian; Gog, Sorin; Kharin, Ilya N.; Kochiras, Hylarie Ourania Delys; Nanini, Riccardo; Oyeniyi, Bukola Adeyemi; Plainer, Zsuzsa; Prajda, Katalin; Samuelson, Amy; New Europe College [Ed.]
New Europe College Yearbook 2011-2012: Normal Politics in a Normal Country? Comparing Agrarian Party Organization in Romania, Sweden and Poland Before 1947/ Daniel Brett; Westernization as a Tool of Inter-imperial Rivalry: Local Government in Wallachia Between Ottoman Control and Russian Protection (1829-1848)/ Stefania Costache; Configuration of the Bessarabian Question in Today's Romanian-Russian Relations/ Andrey Devyatkov; Giacomo Casanova: Love in the Time of Individuality/ Florian Gassner; Atheism, Rational Choice Theory of Religion and the Issue of Emergent Secularization in Post-communist Romania/ Sorin Gog; Orthodox Christianity, Southeastern Europe and the Japanese Church: The First Century of a Relationship/ Ilya N. Kharin; Newton's Quandary about Action at a Distance/ Hylarie Ourania Delys Kochiras; From the Idealtypus to the Archétype: Similarities Between Gerardus Van Der Leeuw's Religious Phenomenological Methodology and Mircea Eliade's Morphology?/ Riccardo Nanini; The Politics of Power and Resistance in Yoruba Dress/ Bukola Adeyemi Oyeniyi; On Ideological Vigilance: Controlling Daily Newspapers in Oradea During the First Years of Ceausescu's System (1966-1970)/ Zsuzsa Plainer; The Biographies of Pippo Scolari, Called Lo Spano (19th-21th Centuries)/ Katalin Prajda; Youth and Environmentalism in Post-Socialist Romania and Moldova/ Amy Samuelson; Edited by New Europe College
New Europe College, 2014, Bucuresti , (anuar) 408p., ISSN 1584-0298
Topics (ro): partide agrare - istorie secolul XX - Romania; istorie comparata - Romania - Suedia - Polonia; istoria Valahiei - secolul XIX - modernizare; Basarabia - Romania - Rusia; Giacomo Casanova - iubire - literatura; ateism - teoria alegerii rationale - Romania
Topics (en): Agrarian Parties - history of the 20th century - Romania; comparative history - Romania - Sweden - Poland; history of Wallachia -19th century - Westernization; Bessarabia - Romania - Russia; Giacomo Casanova - love - literature; atheism - rational choice
Position: anuar NEC UDC: 009(058)
Series: NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook