New Europe College

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1. Denley, Peter; Elam, Caroline [Eds.]
Florence and Italy: Renaissance Studies in Honour of Nicolai Rubinstein/ Edited by Peter Denley and Caroline Elam
Westfield Colege. University of London. Commitee for Medieval Studies, 1988, Londra , (carte) xviii, 527p., ISBN 1-870059-01-8, ISSN 0269-9699
Topics (ro): omagiu - Rubinstein, Nicolai, 1911-2002; biografie - Rubinstein, Nicolai, 1911-2002; Renastere - Italia - Florenta - 1300-1494; studii renascentiste - Renastere italiana - 1300-1494
Topics (en): in the honor of Nicolai Rubinstein, 1911-2002; biography - Rubinstein, Nicolai, 1911-2002; Renaissance - Italy - Florence - 1300-1494; Renaissance studies - italian Renaissance - 1300-1494
Position: U.15-DEN UDC: 7.034(450)(082)
Series: Westfield Publications in Medieval Studies; Volume 2
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Ronge, Peter; Deligne, Alain [coord.]
Von De Gaule bis Mitterand: Politische Karikatur in Frankreich 1958-1987/ Leitung: Peter Ronge, Alain Deligne; Katalogredaktion: Siegfried Kessemeier,[ ...]
Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe; Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, 1987, Münster , (carte) 355, ISBN 3-88789-061-7
Topics (ro): expozitie - caricatura politica franceza - Münster - Germania - 1987-1988; grafica - caricatura politica - Franta - 1958-1987
Topics (en): exhibition - French political caricature - Münster - Germany - 1987-1988; graphics - political caricature - France - 1958-1987
Position: U.31-KES UDC: 061.4(430Münster)"1987/1988":741.5:32(44)"1958/19
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Wolf, Frieder Otto
Radikale Philosophie: Aufklärung und Befreiung in der neuen Zeit/ Frieder Otto Wolf
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2002, Münster , (carte) 292p., ISBN 978-3-89691-498-7
Topics (ro): filosofie traditionala - filosofie radicala; filosofie radicala - sec.XX
Topics (en): traditional philosophy - radical philosophy; radical philosophy - 20th c.
Position: A.17-WOL UDC: 14(4)"19"(09)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC