RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics / editors: Remo Guidieri and Francesco Pellizzi
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, 1981-2000, Cambridge, MA
, (periodic) cca 230 p., ISSN 0277-1322
Topics (ro): obiecte - obiecte de cult - obiecte de arta - perspectiva antropologica; arta - estetica; estetica comparata si antropologie; antropologie - periodic; arheologie; arhitectura - simboluri; fetis Topics (en): objects - liturgical ojects - art objects - anthropological perspective; fine arts - aesthetics; comparative aesthetics and anthropology; anthropology - periodical publication; archaeology; architecture - symbols; fetish | | Position: periodic; AS/N-14a
UDC: 572+111.852(045)
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