New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 7 (total 7 t: a: ).

1. Fremantle, Ann [Ed.]
The Age of Belief: The Medieval Philosophers/ Selected, with Introduction and Commentary by Anne Fremantle
The New American Library. A Mentor Book, 1958, New York , (carte) 218, [6] p.
Topics (ro): filosofie medievala - filosofie religioasa - filosofie crestina
Topics (en): Medieval philosophy - religious philosophy - Christian philosophy
Position: MT/A-791 UDC: 14(4-15)(09)
Series: The Mentor Philosophers

2. Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)
Psychopathology of Everyday Life / Sigmund Freud; Authorized English Edition with Introduction by A.A. Brill
The New American Library of World Literature, 1953, New York , (carte) 168p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza - Freud, Sigmund; psihopatologie - uitare, memorie
Topics (en): psycho-analysis - Freud, Sigmund; psycho-pathology - oblivion, memory
Position: MT/A-3805 UDC: 159.9*Freud,Sigmund
Series: A Mentor Book; M 67

3. Frye, Richard Nelson [n.1920]
The Heritage of Persia/ by Richard Frye
The New American Library, 1963, New York and Toronto , (carte) xix, 352p.
Topics (ro): civilizatie persana preislamica; istoria civilizatiei - civilizatie antica - civilizatia veche iraniana
Topics (en): pre-Islamic Persian civilization; history of civilization - ancient civilization - ancient Iranian civilization
Position: DS/N-6 UDC: 930.85(55)"-50000/0600"(09)
Series: A Mentor Book

4. McLuhan, Marshall
Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man / Marshall McLuhan
The New American Library, 1964, New York , (carte) 318 p.
Topics (ro): media - comunicatii electronice - sec. XX; media - comunicare - epoca electronica - efecte; epoca electronica - sec. XX - telefon - fonograf - filme - radio - televiziune - arme - automatizare
Topics (en): media - electronic communications - 20th century; media - communication - electronic age - effects; electronic age - 20th century - telephone - phonograph - movies - radio - television - weapons - automation
Position: M-McL UDC: 351.81
Series: A Signet Book

5. McLuhan, Marshall
The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man / Marshall McLuhan
The New American Library, 1969, New York , (carte) 350 p.
Topics (ro): istoria civilizatiei si a culturii - inventarea tiparului - activitate umana; media - istorie - tipar - epoca electronica
Topics (en): history of civilization and culture - invention of printing press - human activity; media - history - printing press - electronic age
Position: M-McL UDC: 351.81
Series: A Signet Book

6. Nolte, Ernst
Three Faces of Fascism: Action Française; Italian Fascism; National Socialism / by Ernst Nolte; translated from the German by Leila Vennewitz
The New American Library, Inc., 1969, New York and Scarborough, Ontario , (carte) xii, 700 p.
Topics (ro): istorie - fascism - sec. XX; fascism in Europa - miscari fasciste - 1919-1945; fascism - actiunea franceza - doctrina; fascism italian - doctrina - suprematie absoluta; fascism - nationl-socialism - Hitler - Germania si Austria
Topics (en): history - fascism - 20th century; fascism in Europe - fascist movements - 1919-1945; fascism - action française - doctrine; Italian fascism - doctrine - absolute supremacy; fascism - national socialism - Hitler - Germany and Austria
Position: H.1712-NOL UDC: 321.64
Series: A Mentor Book

7. Underhill, Evelyn [ scriitoare anglo-catolica, 1875-1941]
Mysticism: A Study in the nature and development of Man's spiritual consciousness/ by Evelyn Underhill
The New American Library, Inc., 1955, New York , (carte) xviii, 519p., ISBN 0-529-02056-4
Topics (ro): istoria religiei - mistica - constiinta religioasa
Topics (en): history of religion - mystic/ mysticism - religious consciousness
Position: MT/B-161 UDC: 291
Series: A Meridian Book. Times Mirror
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC