New Europe College

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1. *
Lorenzo Lotto, 1480-1557 / L'exposition a été conçue par David Alan Brown avec l'aide de Peter Humfrey, Mauro Lucco; Commissariat de l'exposition parisienne: Jean-Pierre Cuzin, Jean Habert, David Guillet
National Gallery of Art, 1997, Washington , (carte) 238 p., ISBN 2-7118-2805-0
Topics (ro): arta - pictura - Lotto, Lorenzo, 1480-1557 - expozitie; arta italiana - Renastere - Lotto, Lorenzo - pictura - sec. XVI
Topics (en): art - painting - Lotto, Lorenzo, 1480-1557 - exhibition; Italian art - Renaissance - Lotto, Lorenzo - painting - 16th century
Position: U.15-LOT-Bro UDC: 759"15"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Bellini, Giovanni [Giambellino], [?1431-1516, pictor si grafician, fiul lui Jacopo Bellini]
Bellini - 'The Feast of the Gods': An Exploration of a Renaissance Masterpiece. [CD-ROM] / introduced and narrated by David Bull
National Gallery of Art, 1996, Washington , (CD-ROM) 1 CD-ROM
Topics (ro): pictura - Bellini, Giovanni, 1431-1516, 'The Feast of the Gods' - interpretare
Topics (en): painting - Bellini, Giovani, 1431-1516, 'The Feast of the Gods' - interpretation
Position: CD-ROM UDC: 75"14"*BELLINI, G.

3. Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts [ CASVA]; Dickerman, Leah; Witkovsky, Matthew S. [Eds.]; Demos, T.J.; Schnapp, Jeffrey T.; Fleckner, Uwe; Lista, Marcella; Foster, Hal; [...]
The Dada Seminars/ Edited by Leah Dickerman with Matthew S. Witkovsky; [Preface: Elizabeth Cropper]
The National Gallery of Art; Distributed Art Publishers, Inc., 2005, Washington, D.C. , (carte) viii, 311p., ISBN 1-933045-14-0
Topics (ro): avangarda artistica - dadaism; dadaismul din Zürich - estetica exilului; Evola, Julius - dadaism ca terapeutica suprema a individului; Hausmann, Raoul - optofon - convertirea sunetelor in imagini; dadaism - New York - Paris
Topics (en): artistic avantgarde - dadaism; Zurich Dada - aesthetics of exile; Evola, Julius - Dada as supreme therapeutics of the individual; Hausmann, Raoul - optophone - converting sounds into images; Dada - New York - Paris
Position: U.171-DADA-Dic UDC: 7.037
Series: CASVA Seminar Papers; 1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Russell, Diane Helene
Claude Lorrain, 1600-1682: [Catalogue of the Exhibition]/ H. Diane Russell
National Gallery of Art, 1982, Washington, D.C. , (carte) 480p., ISBN 0-89468-057-9
Topics (ro): pictura - desen - gravura - Lorrain, Claude - Franta - sec.XVII; biografie - Lorrain, Claude, 1600-1682; expozitie - Lorrain, Claude - Washington - 1982-1983
Topics (en): painting - drawing - etchings - Lorrain, Claude - France - 17th c.; biography - Lorrain, Claude, 1600-1682; exhibition - Lorrain, Claude - Washington - 1982-1983
Position: U.161-LOR-Rus UDC: 741/75/76Lorrain, Claude"16"(083.8)(084.1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC