New Europe College

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1. Alphen, Ernst van
Armando, Shaping Memory / Ernst van Alphen
NAi Publishers, 2000, Rotterdam , (carte) 240 p., ISBN 90-5662-173-4
Topics (ro): compozitie si reprezentare - picturi, bronzuri, desene - Armando - expozitii; Armando - artist olandez, 1929- - poeme, proza, piese, picturi, sculpturi, filme, prezentari de teat
Topics (en): composition and representation - paintings, bronzes, sketches - Armando - exhibitions; Armando - Dutch artist, 1929- - poems, prose, plays, paintings, sculptures, movies
Position: U.172-ARM-Alp UDC: 7.036*Armando
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Brouwer, Joke; Mulder, Arjen; Charlton, Susan [Eds.]; DeLanda, Manuel; Appadurai, Arjun; Plant, Sadie; Legrady, George; Verslouis, Ari; Uyttenbroek, Allie; Weiser, Herwig; Suzuki, Yasuhiro; Conway Morris, Simon; Dyson, George; [...]
Information is Alive/ Editorial team: Joke Brouwer, Arjen Mulder, Susan Charlton
V2_/ NAI Publishers, 2003, Rotterdam , (carte) 216p., ISBN 90-5662-310-9
Topics (ro): comunicare - informare - media; informare - arhiva digitala - baza de date digitala
Topics (en): comunication - information - mass-media; information - digital archive - digital database
Position: M-BRO UDC: 007
Series: Art and Theory on Archiving and Retrieving Data
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC