A Tale of Two Villages: Modernization and demodernization of the Romanian village / Oral history group led by Alina Munciu and Gerard Althabe; Group members: Victoria Timofte, Stejarel Olaru, Ion Stefan, Dana Ceausescu, Emanuel Raut, Arpad Todor, Ion Naval, Claudiu Petringenaru, Radu Toader
IRIR, 2002, Bucuresti
, (carte) 31 p.
Topics (ro): sociologie - sate - modernizare - România - postcomunism; colectivizare - agricultura - sate - tarani - România comunista; societate rurala - tarani - cetateni; istorie recenta - România Topics (en): sociology - villages - modernization - Romania - post-communism; collectivization - agriculture - villages - peasants - communist Romania; rural society - peasants - citizens; recent history - Romania | | Position: IRIR
UDC: 316.343.64(498)"1989/-"
Series: IRIR Work in Progress Series: 3 |
Reviews: |