New Europe College

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1. *
The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics: A Semi-annual Publication/ of the Civic Education Project Romania
Civic Education Project Office, 2001-2004, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1582-5795
Topics (ro): istoriografie - România; integrare europeana - România; politica - societate - România - 2001-; Uniunea Europeana - România; coruptie - dezvoltare; securitate; mituri istorice - comunism - România; coruptie - politica
Topics (en): historiography - Romania; European integration - Romania; politics - society - Romania - 2001-; European Union - Romania; corruption - development; Securitate, the, political police; historical myths - communism - Romania; corruption - politics
Position: periodic UDC: 30+32(498)