Le Sacrifice interdit: Freud et la Bible / Marie Balmary
Éditions Bernard Grasset, 1999, Paris
, (carte) 294 p., ISBN 2-246-37661-0
Topics (ro): antropologie - religie - Biblia; religie - psihanaliza - Lacan, Jacques; religie - Biblia - psihanaliza - Freud, Sigmund - inconstient - revelatie Topics (en): anthropology - religion - Bible, the; religion - psycho-analysis - Lacan, Jacques; religion - Bible, the - psycho-analysis - Freud, Sigmund - the unconscious - revelation | | Position: Da.2-FREUD-Bal
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |