New Europe College

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1. Bunz, Axel R.; Faber, Klaus; Grüning, Michael; Liebers, Peter [Eds.]; Skubiszewski, Krzysztof, Wolken, Elisabeth; Vargas Llosa, Mario; Weil, Simone; Geißler, Heiner
Nachdenken über Europa, Band 1/ Herausgegeben von Axel R. Bunz, Klaus Faber, Michael Grüning, Peter Liebers
Verlag Volk & Welt, 1991, Berlin , (carte) 276p., ISBN 3-353-00905
Topics (ro): femei in Europa - feminism - emancipare; Europa - natiuni culturale; Europa - nationalism - pluralitate - unitate
Topics (en): women in Europe - feminism - emancipation; Europe - cultural nations; Europe - nationalism - plurality - unity
Position: H.1724-BUN UDC: 32(4)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Tindemans, Leo; Cutler, Lloyd; Geremek, Breonislaw; Roper, John; Sommer, Theo; Weil, Simone; Anderson, David
Unfinished Peace: Report of the International Commission of the Balkans/ Leo Tindemans, Lloyd Cutler, Bronislaw Geremek, John Roper, Theo Sommer, Simone Veil, David Anderson; Foreword by Leo Tindemans
Aspen Institute Berlin; Cornegie Endowment for International Peace, 1996, Washington, D.C. , (carte) xxiv, 198p., ISBN 0-87003-118-X
Topics (ro): Peninsula Balcanica - politica si guvernamint - 1989; Peninsula Balcanica - relatii etnice; securitate nationala - Balcani; razboiul Iugoslav - 1991 - pace
Topics (en): Balkan Peninsula - politics and government - 1989; Balkan Peninsula - ethnic relations; national security - Balkans; Yugoslav war - 1991 - peace
Position: H.1721-TIN UDC: 94(496/497)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties towards Mankind/ Simone Weil; Translated by Arthur Wills; With a preface by T.S. Eliot
Routledge, 2002, London and New York , (carte) xvi, 303 p., ISBN 0-415-27102-9
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Weil, Simone - sec.XX - Franta; psihologie sociala; etica sociala
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Weil, Simone - 20th century - France; social psychology; social ethics
Position: A.2-WEIL UDC: 303:14*Weil, Simone
Series: Routledge Classics
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
Leçons de philosophie: (Roanne 1933-1934)/ Simone Weil; présentées par Anne Reynaud-Guérithault
Plon, 1959, Paris , (carte) 309p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - teoria cunoasterii; filosofie franceza - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943
Topics (en): philosophy - theory of knowledge; French philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943
Position: MT/A-214 UDC: 194
Series: 10-18

5. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
Écrits de Londres et dernières lettres/ Simone Weil
Gallimard NRF, 1980, Paris , (carte) 224p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - Franta; filosofie religioasa - mistica - Weil, Simone - sec. XX; eseistica filosofico-religioasa - Weil, Simone
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - France; religious philosophy - mystic - Weil, Simone - 20th century; philosophico-religious essays - Weil, Simone
Position: MT/A-2987 UDC: 14*Weil, Simone

6. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
La pesanteur et la Grâce/ Simone Weil; avec une introduction par Gustave Thibon
Librairie Plon, 1948, Paris , (carte) xxxiii, 210p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Weil, Simone (1909-1943) - Franta; filosofie religioasa - mistica - har divin - Weil, Simone - sec. XX; eseistica filosofico-religioasa - Weil, Simone
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - France; religious philosophy - mystic - divine grace - Weil, Simone - 20th century; philosophico-religious essays - Weil, Simone
Position: MT/A-2988 UDC: 14*Weil, Simone

7. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
Lettre à un religieux/ Simone Weil
Gallimard, 1974, Paris , (carte) 96p.
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Weil, Simone (1909-1943) - Franta; filosofie religioasa - mistica - Weil, Simone - sec. XX; eseistica filosofico-religioasa - Weil, Simone
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - France; religious philosophy - mystic - Weil, Simone - 20th century; philosophico-religious essays - Weil, Simone
Position: MT/A-2989 UDC: 14*Weil, Simone
Series: Livre de Vie; 120

8. Weil, Simone (1909-1943)
Intuitions pré-chrétiennes/ Simone Weil
La Colombe, 1951, Paris , (carte) 184p.
Topics (ro): mitologia greaca - intuitii precrestine; stiinta greaca
Topics (en): Greek mythology - pre-Christian insights; Greek science
Position: MT/B-587; MT/B-863 UDC: 292

9. Weil, Simone, (1909-1943)
Attente de Dieu / Simone Weil; préface de J. M. Perrin
Fayard, 1966, Paris , (carte) 256 p.
Topics (ro): metafizica vietii spirituale - Dumnezeu - Weil, Simone; religie - mistica - crestinism - botez; filosofie religioasa - Weil, Simone (1909-1943) - Franta
Topics (en): metaphysics of spiritual life - God - Weil, Simone; religion - mysticism - Christianity / Christianism - baptism ( christening); religious philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - France
Position: AS/R-314 UDC: 130.3:23/28
Series: Le livre de poche chrétien

10. Weil, Simone, (1909-1943)
Greutatea si harul / Simone Weil; Traducere din franceza si prefata de Anca Manolescu
Humanitas, 2003, Bucuresti , (carte) 236 p., ISBN 973-50-0386-4
Topics (ro): filosofie contemporana - Weil, Simone (1909-1943) - Franta; filosofie religioasa - mistica - har divin - Weil, Simone - sec. XX; eseistica filosofico-religioasa - Weil, Simone
Topics (en): contemporary philosophy - Weil, Simone, 1909-1943 - France; religious philosophy - mystic - divine grace - Weil, Simone - 20th century; philosophico-religious essays - Weil, Simone
Position: A.2-WEIL UDC: 821.133.1-96:1+2
Series: Întelepciune si Credinta
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC, Humanitas

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