New Europe College

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1. Sheehan, Jonathan; Wahrman, Dror
Invisible Hands: self-organization and the eighteenth century / Jonathan Sheehan & Dror Wahrman
The University of Chicago Press, 2015, Chicago, London , (carte) XVIII, 375p., ISBN 978-0-226-75205-1
Topics (ro): filosofie - sec.XVIII- Iluminism; filosofie - stiinte sociale - ordine - auto-organizare - sec.XVIII
Topics (en): philosophy - 18thc - Enlightenment; philosophy - social sciences - order - self-organization - 18th c.
Position: H.0e-SHE UDC: 1''17''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Wahrman, Dror
The Making of the Modern Self: Identity and Culture in Eighteenth-Century England/ Dror Wahrman
Yale University Press, [2006], New Haven and London , (carte) XVIII, 414p.: il., ISBN 0-300-12139-3
Topics (ro): istorie - Marea Britanie - sec. XVIII; psihologie - identitate - Marea Britanie - aspecte sociale - sec.XVIII
Topics (en): History - Great Britain - 18thc.; psychology - identity - Great Britain - social aspects - 18thc.
Position: H.011g-WAH UDC: 930.85(410)''17''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC