Gândirea sociala a Bisericii: Fundamente, documente, analize, perspective / Volum realizat si prezentat de Ioan I. Ica jr si Germano Marani
Deisis, 2002, Sibiu
, (carte) 616 p., ISBN 973-9344-68-2
Topics (ro): religie crestina - gindirea sociala a Bisericii; biserica crestina - cultura teologica; Biserica ortodoxa - România; ecumenism; crestinul in lumea moderna; politica si teologie; gindire patristica - social; doctrina sociala crestina; biserica si stat; mo Topics (en): Christian religion - social thought of the Church; Christian Church, the - theological culture; Orthodox Church, the - Romania; ecumenism; Christianism in the modern world; politics and theology; patristic thinking - social; social Christian doctrine; Chu | | Position: B-ICA (1)
UDC: 26/28(045)
Series: Civitas christiana |
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